The Scandal of the Closure of Brighton's Madeira Drive
[Scroll down for Daily Campaign update] Sign Petition.
Do Brighton & Hove City Council's Madeira Drive Survey!
Brighton's iconic Madeira Drive faces a PERMANENT ban on access by all motorcyclists, scooterists and other motor vehicles - causing enormous damage to 35 seafront businesses, discriminating against the disabled and favouring some leisure activities over others.
In an extraordinary example of undemocratic decision-making, Brighton & Hove City Council appears to be using the coronavirus crisis to push its own political agenda, without consultation with most of the key affected groups or a care for the livelihoods of the cafe and restaurant owners and other traders who rely on visitors arriving in cars or on motorbikes and scooters. For me, as a scooterist, cyclist, pedestrian and sometime motorist, this is a scandal!After the economic hardship of the past few months, it is a real kick in the teeth for the business people of Madeira Drive and their loyal customers.
Therefore, today (Monday, 8 June) a Campaign is being launched to reopen Brighton's Madeira Drive to ALL users. Please sign the petition here. And also share it as widely as you can!
Madeira Drive was first closed on 20 April 2020 to motor vehicles. At the time, I was told it was because of late-night car racing on the Drive which was troubling police. I always found this an unlikely explanation, and Brighton & Hove City Council quickly chose to spin it very differently.
Councillor Anne Pissaridou, Chairperson of the City's Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, is quoted in a Council press release as saying that 'Madeira Drive is a long, wide road right by the seafront and will create an extra safe space for local people in the area to use for their daily walk or bike ride' and that 'it will provide a traffic-free place for the many residents in that area who do not have access to a garden'.
No one is saying that Madeira Drive should not be open to cyclists and runners.
Indeed, they have always used this facility, generally in greater numbers than recently during lockdown. But, please, let's live and let live!
As Cllr. Pissaridou concedes, it is very wide road. There is plenty of room for motorcyclists, scooterists, runners and cyclists, all of whom have their own areas. There are also 363 parking spaces bringing in valuable council revenue and trade, probably hundreds of thousands of pounds per annum!
Excluding one group to favour others is simply not necessary!
Moreover, in early June (2020), Brighton & Hove Council's real agenda started to emerge when it 'hinted' to the Brighton Argus that the closure would be permanent.
On this occasion, Cllr. Pissaridou claimed that 'short-term transport measures brought in to support more walking and cycling during the Covid crisis have been popular with many residents' and, therefore, an 'expansion of these schemes' will be considered.
Many comments on this story favoured reopening Madeira Drive.
'Sussex Jim' said that Madeira Drive is 'wide enough to accommodate two lanes of normal traffic, two cycle lanes and the existing wide promenade for pedestrians. And much needed parking for visitors in normal times'.
An anonymous Argus reader commented: 'This is a horrendous move for Brighton. Look at the revenue that parking brings in along with the tourism and business issue.'
Indeed, the traders on Madeira Drive, already severely hit by loss of income during the coronavirus crisis, are very upset at the cack-handed way that they are being treated by Brighton & Hove City Council, from which, incidentally, they lease their premises, and to which they pay substantial business rates.
One businessman told me that the traders were to have a crucial meeting with the Council about the crisis on 16 June (2020).
Another trader said that cyclists and joggers spend very little money at the cafes and shops compared with motorcyclists, Mods, other scooterists and car-driving tourists and that, if the ban became permanent, it would be 'disastrous' for his business.
My partner and I have painstakingly trawled the minutes of Brighton & Hove City Council committee meetings on its website and can find absolutely no mention of this important issue ever being discussed in relevant committee meetings.
As well as possibly being the last nail in the coffin for Madeira Drive businesses, this shortsighted plan would also kill Brighton & Hove City Council's substantial income from the 363 parking bays on Madeira Drive - and at a time when the Council desperately need every penny it can get as recession from the coronavirus crisis starts to bite.
And it could slash the chances of Madeira Arches ever being restored - to the grave concern of the city's heritage campaigners.
Then there is the needless cost of putting stewards at the entrance to Madeira Drive at weekends to police this absurd decision. The cons go on and on. . .
Just how removed from reality are the people behind this closure?
They haven't even thought of the plight of disabled or elderly people who need their cars or taxis to use Madeira Drive!
And what will happen at future August Bank Holidays, when thousands of Mods from around the country and abroad, descend on Madeira Drive - or at Brightona 2021 or the many other motor vehicle-based events that have made Brighton's Madeira Drive world famous.
What about the tradition? What about the heritage? All slyly being thrown away!
That is why we have started a petition on the Brighton & Hove City Council website, calling for the immediate reopening of Madeira Drive to ALL users.
Please sign this petition - and spread the word. Thank you.
* Tuesday, 9 June update: It has been a crazy first day of the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign!
So many Mods, other scooterists, motorcyclists and other supporters tried to add their names to the Petition that Brighton & Hove Council's Petitions Website crashed last night! It wasn't repaired till this morning.
Despite that, as I write, an amazing 790 people have lent their support to the petition, and this blog post has been visited at least 850 times! Support and anger at the Council's decision is rising! And understandably so.
Of the many comments, I was struck by one which said how 'ableist' Brighton & Hove Council has become - meaning that they discriminate against the disabled in favour of the able-bodied. Another writer suggested that trying to sneak through the permanent closure of Madeira Drive would help them abolish the Pier Roundabout. Interesting!
Everywhere I go, Brighton and Hove citizens offer their support. I am confident that we will win - and persuade Brighton & Hove Council to reopen Madeira Drive to ALL users!
If you haven't signed the Petition so far, please do so. And watch this blog page. I plan to regularly update it with Campaign news. Thank you, my friends!
* Wednesday, 10 June update: Another remarkable day in the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign.
Now more than 1,700 people have signed the Petition on the Brighton & Hove City Council website, making it easily the most popular petition.
By mid-afternoon, it had passed the 1,250 signatures threshold, meaning I will be able to speak to the Full Council when it is delivered to them in July.
Meanwhile, we have the opposition rattled. One gentleman has started his own 'Keep Madeira Drive Closed To Traffic' Petition which, in its first day, has picked up a mere 58 names!
It puts the lie to the local newspaper's suggestion that 60 percent of people support the closure.
On current figures from the two petitions, around 97 percent support reopening Madeira Drive, with only three percent wanting to keep it closed.
Moreover, the minority who want to keep it closed has started some rather nasty or naive attacks on us.
As part of a long, illogical rant one anonymous person insultingly commented: 'all it's about is some fellas in bad fitting union flag suits, brand new Loake loafers and a couple of fishtail parkas wanting to pop-pop up and down Madeira Drive beeping their little horns before having a pose-up'. He clearly just hates Mods!
Another pro-closure person, also anonymous, clearly did not care a fig about the local economy when naively arguing 'it is time to reduce parking availability' and claiming that, regardless of what the Council does, the businesses on Madeira Drive will 'prosper' after lockdown.
Tell that to the traders!
A third anonymous commentator suggested, madly and absurdly, that the annual loss of parking income for Brighton & Hove City Council of closing more than 360 busy parking bays could be as low as '£100' , and added: 'Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.'
Meanwhile, we have heard back from John Peel, Democratic Services Officer at Brighton & Hove City Council, who wrote: 'The decision was taken using emergency powers as a response to the Covid-19 epidemic to provide space for people to exercise safely once a day.'
So, when lockdown ends, so Madeira Drive should reopen to all users.
My friends, we will fight on till this has occurred!
I was told by Madeira Drive traders today (10 June 2020) that they are meeting Council representatives to try to find a solution on Monday morning (15 June 2020).
I will keep you updated!
* Thursday, 11 June update: Another brilliant day for the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition. Since I wrote last night, it has put on more than 600 signatures to go over the 2,300 mark!
Incidentally, in the same period, the Keep Madeira Drive Closed petition has risen to 371 signatures, meaning that our Campaign is beating it six to one!
Feeling the pressure of public opinion, Brighton & Hove City Council gave the Brighton Argus an update, claiming that the closure of Madeira Drive had been well received by the 'majority of residents' while adding that it would continue 'to be monitored as government restrictions change'.
The story repeated the previous suggestion that 60 percent of people were in favour of the closure, but this met with furious comment by readers of the story.
One wrote asked if Brighton & Hove City Council had 'lost the plot', adding: 'Two petitions [are] currently on the Council website - one to keep the road closed [which has] 330 signatures (more people want to remove the planter in Rottingdean) and one to reopen it [which has] 2,200+. Brighton has spoken and we need Madeira Drive reopened for everyone. Madeira Drive worked perfectly well before lockdown so let's get this city back on its feet. Get this road reopened.'
Another reader commented on Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas's blinkered backing of the closure, writing: 'Perhaps Caroline would like personally reimburse all the independent traders whose livelihoods she (and others) are so casually dismissive of. As a trader friend remarked the other day, "Cyclists aren't big spenders".
'Someone also needs to challenge the "ableist" policies of this council as well in clearly assuming everyone is fit enough to walk or cycle. And also live locally. Hardly inclusive!'
I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by a charming Argus reporter today - and am hopeful that our side of the story will soon be getting a better run in its pages.
Meanwhile, offers of support continue to arrive.
Please spread the word - and watch this space! Thank you again, my friends!
* Friday, 12 June Update: As it is a rainy day, I have decided to write my update in my lunch hour today!
There is plenty to report.
The lovely and talented Argus reporter Rose Lock did a great story in the Brighton Argus which was front page lead on its website all morning!
It is fair and accurate and well written. You did a great job on it, Rose!
I was slightly bemused by the comments by my opponent, Ian Ross, who has set up a petition in favour of keeping Madeira Drive closed.
Mr Ross is managing director of a business and it seems surprisingly to me that he cares so little about the fate of other local businesses.
It is an interesting point which made me wonder why Brighton Chamber (of Commerce) has not spoken out in support of the traders.
Remarkably, Mr Ross even took a pop at his fellow local business people, saying: 'Sometimes I think small businesses are very quick to blame the Government or the council for their problem.'
He also suggested that removing 360 seafront parking spaces would be good for visitors to the city, forgetting that many need to travel by car to be able to afford to come to Brighton and then like to park on Madeira Drive, and also that there is no public transport along the Drive.
Mr Ross said that Madeira Drive should be closed because some young people supposedly speed there at night.
Well, that's a police matter. When was the last time a road was closed because of motorists breaking the speed limit? And, another commentator, pointed out the traffic calming measures already in place.
Worst of all, he seemed to suggest that disabled users could park on the top road - on the cliff above Madeira Drive.
Without a lift for disabled acccess, how then do they get down to Madeira Drive, Mr Ross?
The vast majority of the more than 90 comments to the online Brighton Argus story were in favour of reopening Madeira Drive, including one from a person experiencing disability.
Dirk Von Roden wrote: 'Yet another attack on Disabled people. I used to love just driving slowly along Madeira Drive, stop outside the chippy. They would take my order without me getting out of the car. I'd drive to the bottom carpark and enjoy my fish and chips!
'Due to suffering from agoraphobia (it's actually chronic anxiety resulting in panic attacks, which stops me going out now), I and many other Disabled will no longer be able to enjoy doing this any more!'
Mr Von Roden added: 'This is yet again removing the option for those with Disabilities to enjoy one of the best spots in Brighton. It saddens me that Brighton and Hove Council show Complete Disregard for the Disabled!
'What happened to the Disability Tzar Stephanie Powell? She was known by many of the Disabled people in Brighton and Hove as the Council's Disability Champion because she was able to get the Council to see things from Disabled people's perspective!
'Soon all of Brighton will be pedestrian only - it's already started! What are we supposed to do? I don't know.'
Beautifully put, it is hard to follow this eloquent and heartfelt plea from Dirk Von Roden on behalf of those in our community here in Brighton and Hove who experience disability.
Our Petition now has more than 2,600 signatures against a paltry 691 for Mr Ross's petition.
If you haven't already signed our petition, please do so!
Thanks you as always, my friends!
* Saturday, 12 June Update: Just a quick one, as it is Saturday night! The Reopen Madeira Drive Petition has reached an amazing 3,000 signatures today and, as I write, stands at 3,063!
I was intrigued by a line in a Brighton Argus story about Brighton & Hove City Council giving approval to the Black Rock development. In it, Councillor Bridget Fishleigh was quoted as saying that thousands of new flats had been proposed for the Marian, a new development is coming forward at the former gasworks site and that Madeira Drive was likely to close to cars for the long term.
Is closing Madeira Drive permanently an act that Brighton & Hove City councillors have been secretly planning?
I am still receiving amazing support for the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign.
Here are some of the supportive comments from writers who have big hearts and sometimes colourful noms de plume on the Brighton Argus website or social media.
Triumph of Hope Over Experience wrote: 'Good luck, Ollie! There is an agenda here which needs to be challenged and which is being sneaked through using Covid-19 as an excuse. . . they [people who want to close it] seem to have zero consideration for those who need to earn a living in this city and for the disabled who are somehow meant to park at the top of the cliff and make their way down with no working lift and most of the Terrace ramps and walkways closed off.'
Hovebat wrote: '360 essential parking spaces for tourists and many of these are the only blue badge bays on Brighton seafront. We need Madeira Drive reopened!'
Brightonmatters wrote: 'Obviously a permanent closure would be used as an excuse to neglect the Terraces until they can be condemned as "dangerous" and torn down.
'All those of us who contributed to the restoration fund are not stupid. And we won't forget that the city lost West Pier, the finest Victorian pier in England.'
Sheppardmeg3 wrote: 'Well done! Totally agree this council seems to do whatever they want without any consultation from council tax payers who keep this city going. Time to start making this council accountable for their actions.'
BBB1969 mk2 wrote: 'Plenty of room. There are barriers in the actual road that stop boy racers travelling at excessive speeds. . . there is plenty of space in the existing path for people and cyclists, being a cyclist myself.'
Thank you, my friends, keep it up!
* Monday, 15 June Update: The Reopen Madeira Drive Petition today went through the 3,400 signatures barrier, which is absolutely fantastic. And still it grows!
Yesterday, we had a warm, sunny Sunday morning on Madeira Drive. But thanks to Brighton & Hove City Council, it was virtually deserted - as these images illustrate.
Only one of the traders had bothered to open because the scarcity of people - but I heard an amazing story from him.
It turns out that, in most of the traders' lease agreements, Brighton & Hove City Council is only allowed to close Madeira Drive 21 days a year.
Therefore, its planned permanent closure of Madeira Drive would result in the Council breaching the terms of these legally binding contracts.
The trader said he would be demanding £1million in compensation from Brighton & Hove City Council for loss of business, and he estimated that the total bill for the Council for all the traders on the Drive would be between £10million and £20million!
Meanwhile, the Ace Cafe London has alerted its biker brotherhood to Brighton & Hove City Council's planned permanent closure of Madeira Drive - and has offered its support.
And I have talked to a number of bikers who are all too happy to join with scooterists - to fight for Madeira Drive to be freed for all to use once again.
I will keep you informed, my friends. Keep spreading the word about the Campaign and Petition!
* Tuesday, 16 June update: Another amazing day for the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign!
I heard from traders about their meeting with the Council yesterday (Monday, 15 June) - and it is dynamite!
According to one trader, the Madeira Drive business men and woman are all staging a rent strike - meaning that the Council is losing a small fortune in income from them every month.
The traders are refusing to pay rent until Madeira Drive is reopened to ALL users!
One trader told me: 'I've discovered nobody has paid rent since March. And [they all] intend to withhold [it] until the road is fully open.'
Thirty-five traders attended the meeting with Brighton & Hove City Councillors and officials and strongly made the point that lockdown has 'ended and people can go to parks and so the road must be opened' again.
* Tuesday, 9 June update: It has been a crazy first day of the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign!
So many Mods, other scooterists, motorcyclists and other supporters tried to add their names to the Petition that Brighton & Hove Council's Petitions Website crashed last night! It wasn't repaired till this morning.
Despite that, as I write, an amazing 790 people have lent their support to the petition, and this blog post has been visited at least 850 times! Support and anger at the Council's decision is rising! And understandably so.
Of the many comments, I was struck by one which said how 'ableist' Brighton & Hove Council has become - meaning that they discriminate against the disabled in favour of the able-bodied. Another writer suggested that trying to sneak through the permanent closure of Madeira Drive would help them abolish the Pier Roundabout. Interesting!
Everywhere I go, Brighton and Hove citizens offer their support. I am confident that we will win - and persuade Brighton & Hove Council to reopen Madeira Drive to ALL users!
If you haven't signed the Petition so far, please do so. And watch this blog page. I plan to regularly update it with Campaign news. Thank you, my friends!
* Wednesday, 10 June update: Another remarkable day in the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign.
Now more than 1,700 people have signed the Petition on the Brighton & Hove City Council website, making it easily the most popular petition.
By mid-afternoon, it had passed the 1,250 signatures threshold, meaning I will be able to speak to the Full Council when it is delivered to them in July.
Meanwhile, we have the opposition rattled. One gentleman has started his own 'Keep Madeira Drive Closed To Traffic' Petition which, in its first day, has picked up a mere 58 names!
It puts the lie to the local newspaper's suggestion that 60 percent of people support the closure.
On current figures from the two petitions, around 97 percent support reopening Madeira Drive, with only three percent wanting to keep it closed.
Moreover, the minority who want to keep it closed has started some rather nasty or naive attacks on us.
As part of a long, illogical rant one anonymous person insultingly commented: 'all it's about is some fellas in bad fitting union flag suits, brand new Loake loafers and a couple of fishtail parkas wanting to pop-pop up and down Madeira Drive beeping their little horns before having a pose-up'. He clearly just hates Mods!
Another pro-closure person, also anonymous, clearly did not care a fig about the local economy when naively arguing 'it is time to reduce parking availability' and claiming that, regardless of what the Council does, the businesses on Madeira Drive will 'prosper' after lockdown.
Tell that to the traders!
A third anonymous commentator suggested, madly and absurdly, that the annual loss of parking income for Brighton & Hove City Council of closing more than 360 busy parking bays could be as low as '£100' , and added: 'Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.'
Meanwhile, we have heard back from John Peel, Democratic Services Officer at Brighton & Hove City Council, who wrote: 'The decision was taken using emergency powers as a response to the Covid-19 epidemic to provide space for people to exercise safely once a day.'
So, when lockdown ends, so Madeira Drive should reopen to all users.
My friends, we will fight on till this has occurred!
I was told by Madeira Drive traders today (10 June 2020) that they are meeting Council representatives to try to find a solution on Monday morning (15 June 2020).
I will keep you updated!
* Thursday, 11 June update: Another brilliant day for the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition. Since I wrote last night, it has put on more than 600 signatures to go over the 2,300 mark!
Incidentally, in the same period, the Keep Madeira Drive Closed petition has risen to 371 signatures, meaning that our Campaign is beating it six to one!
Feeling the pressure of public opinion, Brighton & Hove City Council gave the Brighton Argus an update, claiming that the closure of Madeira Drive had been well received by the 'majority of residents' while adding that it would continue 'to be monitored as government restrictions change'.
The story repeated the previous suggestion that 60 percent of people were in favour of the closure, but this met with furious comment by readers of the story.
One wrote asked if Brighton & Hove City Council had 'lost the plot', adding: 'Two petitions [are] currently on the Council website - one to keep the road closed [which has] 330 signatures (more people want to remove the planter in Rottingdean) and one to reopen it [which has] 2,200+. Brighton has spoken and we need Madeira Drive reopened for everyone. Madeira Drive worked perfectly well before lockdown so let's get this city back on its feet. Get this road reopened.'
Another reader commented on Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas's blinkered backing of the closure, writing: 'Perhaps Caroline would like personally reimburse all the independent traders whose livelihoods she (and others) are so casually dismissive of. As a trader friend remarked the other day, "Cyclists aren't big spenders".
'Someone also needs to challenge the "ableist" policies of this council as well in clearly assuming everyone is fit enough to walk or cycle. And also live locally. Hardly inclusive!'
I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by a charming Argus reporter today - and am hopeful that our side of the story will soon be getting a better run in its pages.
Meanwhile, offers of support continue to arrive.
Please spread the word - and watch this space! Thank you again, my friends!
* Friday, 12 June Update: As it is a rainy day, I have decided to write my update in my lunch hour today!
There is plenty to report.
The lovely and talented Argus reporter Rose Lock did a great story in the Brighton Argus which was front page lead on its website all morning!
It is fair and accurate and well written. You did a great job on it, Rose!
I was slightly bemused by the comments by my opponent, Ian Ross, who has set up a petition in favour of keeping Madeira Drive closed.
Mr Ross is managing director of a business and it seems surprisingly to me that he cares so little about the fate of other local businesses.
It is an interesting point which made me wonder why Brighton Chamber (of Commerce) has not spoken out in support of the traders.
Remarkably, Mr Ross even took a pop at his fellow local business people, saying: 'Sometimes I think small businesses are very quick to blame the Government or the council for their problem.'
He also suggested that removing 360 seafront parking spaces would be good for visitors to the city, forgetting that many need to travel by car to be able to afford to come to Brighton and then like to park on Madeira Drive, and also that there is no public transport along the Drive.
Mr Ross said that Madeira Drive should be closed because some young people supposedly speed there at night.
Well, that's a police matter. When was the last time a road was closed because of motorists breaking the speed limit? And, another commentator, pointed out the traffic calming measures already in place.
Worst of all, he seemed to suggest that disabled users could park on the top road - on the cliff above Madeira Drive.
Without a lift for disabled acccess, how then do they get down to Madeira Drive, Mr Ross?
The vast majority of the more than 90 comments to the online Brighton Argus story were in favour of reopening Madeira Drive, including one from a person experiencing disability.
Dirk Von Roden wrote: 'Yet another attack on Disabled people. I used to love just driving slowly along Madeira Drive, stop outside the chippy. They would take my order without me getting out of the car. I'd drive to the bottom carpark and enjoy my fish and chips!
'Due to suffering from agoraphobia (it's actually chronic anxiety resulting in panic attacks, which stops me going out now), I and many other Disabled will no longer be able to enjoy doing this any more!'
Mr Von Roden added: 'This is yet again removing the option for those with Disabilities to enjoy one of the best spots in Brighton. It saddens me that Brighton and Hove Council show Complete Disregard for the Disabled!
'What happened to the Disability Tzar Stephanie Powell? She was known by many of the Disabled people in Brighton and Hove as the Council's Disability Champion because she was able to get the Council to see things from Disabled people's perspective!
'Soon all of Brighton will be pedestrian only - it's already started! What are we supposed to do? I don't know.'
Beautifully put, it is hard to follow this eloquent and heartfelt plea from Dirk Von Roden on behalf of those in our community here in Brighton and Hove who experience disability.
Our Petition now has more than 2,600 signatures against a paltry 691 for Mr Ross's petition.
If you haven't already signed our petition, please do so!
Thanks you as always, my friends!
* Saturday, 12 June Update: Just a quick one, as it is Saturday night! The Reopen Madeira Drive Petition has reached an amazing 3,000 signatures today and, as I write, stands at 3,063!
I was intrigued by a line in a Brighton Argus story about Brighton & Hove City Council giving approval to the Black Rock development. In it, Councillor Bridget Fishleigh was quoted as saying that thousands of new flats had been proposed for the Marian, a new development is coming forward at the former gasworks site and that Madeira Drive was likely to close to cars for the long term.
Is closing Madeira Drive permanently an act that Brighton & Hove City councillors have been secretly planning?
I am still receiving amazing support for the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign.
Here are some of the supportive comments from writers who have big hearts and sometimes colourful noms de plume on the Brighton Argus website or social media.
Triumph of Hope Over Experience wrote: 'Good luck, Ollie! There is an agenda here which needs to be challenged and which is being sneaked through using Covid-19 as an excuse. . . they [people who want to close it] seem to have zero consideration for those who need to earn a living in this city and for the disabled who are somehow meant to park at the top of the cliff and make their way down with no working lift and most of the Terrace ramps and walkways closed off.'
Hovebat wrote: '360 essential parking spaces for tourists and many of these are the only blue badge bays on Brighton seafront. We need Madeira Drive reopened!'
Brightonmatters wrote: 'Obviously a permanent closure would be used as an excuse to neglect the Terraces until they can be condemned as "dangerous" and torn down.
'All those of us who contributed to the restoration fund are not stupid. And we won't forget that the city lost West Pier, the finest Victorian pier in England.'
Sheppardmeg3 wrote: 'Well done! Totally agree this council seems to do whatever they want without any consultation from council tax payers who keep this city going. Time to start making this council accountable for their actions.'
BBB1969 mk2 wrote: 'Plenty of room. There are barriers in the actual road that stop boy racers travelling at excessive speeds. . . there is plenty of space in the existing path for people and cyclists, being a cyclist myself.'
Thank you, my friends, keep it up!
* Monday, 15 June Update: The Reopen Madeira Drive Petition today went through the 3,400 signatures barrier, which is absolutely fantastic. And still it grows!
Yesterday, we had a warm, sunny Sunday morning on Madeira Drive. But thanks to Brighton & Hove City Council, it was virtually deserted - as these images illustrate.
Only one of the traders had bothered to open because the scarcity of people - but I heard an amazing story from him.
It turns out that, in most of the traders' lease agreements, Brighton & Hove City Council is only allowed to close Madeira Drive 21 days a year.
Therefore, its planned permanent closure of Madeira Drive would result in the Council breaching the terms of these legally binding contracts.
The trader said he would be demanding £1million in compensation from Brighton & Hove City Council for loss of business, and he estimated that the total bill for the Council for all the traders on the Drive would be between £10million and £20million!
Meanwhile, the Ace Cafe London has alerted its biker brotherhood to Brighton & Hove City Council's planned permanent closure of Madeira Drive - and has offered its support.
And I have talked to a number of bikers who are all too happy to join with scooterists - to fight for Madeira Drive to be freed for all to use once again.
I will keep you informed, my friends. Keep spreading the word about the Campaign and Petition!

I heard from traders about their meeting with the Council yesterday (Monday, 15 June) - and it is dynamite!
According to one trader, the Madeira Drive business men and woman are all staging a rent strike - meaning that the Council is losing a small fortune in income from them every month.
The traders are refusing to pay rent until Madeira Drive is reopened to ALL users!
One trader told me: 'I've discovered nobody has paid rent since March. And [they all] intend to withhold [it] until the road is fully open.'
Thirty-five traders attended the meeting with Brighton & Hove City Councillors and officials and strongly made the point that lockdown has 'ended and people can go to parks and so the road must be opened' again.
The councillors told the traders that they were meeting to discuss the issue on Tuesday, 23 June - and the traders reiterated that 'the road must be reopened ASAP'.
The meeting was attended by Labour Councillor Anne Pissaridou, Labour & Co-oerative Councillor Carmen Appich and Green Councillor Steve Davies as well as Highways Officer Andrew Westward and Seafront Estates Officer Jane Pinnock.
Key points made at the meeting included:
* Emergency need for exercise space has now passed. People can travel to a variety of areas to exercise as happened before lockdown. Traders want the Council to urgently reopen the road to allow their businesses to bounce back.
* Madeira Drive businesses serve a huge variety of users and tourists and not just Kemp Town residents.
* Madeira Drive is not in the Cumulative Impact or Special Stress Areas of the seafront. Therefore, it makes sense to allow the road to take the pressure off the area between the piers and Hove beaches. Unless visitors are being turned around at the M23 roundabout, visitors are simply driving round more and creating additional parking pressure on multi-storey parking, Hove seafront spaces and Kemp Town roads.
* The closed road is currently unsafe. There have been serious cycle crashes including hospitalised incidents. Cyclists speed along the road in and out of pedestrians. There have been hundreds of near-misses between pedestrians and cyclists.
* Families and tourists are still driving to the beach but are congregating in a smaller area between the piers and in Hove as they have been told by the Government to travel by car and not use public transport.
* Access to Madeira Drive can only be made at either end or down 84 steep steps. There is no disabled access. The Madeira Lift is closed.
* If the road [Madeira Drive] remains closed, traders will have to close in winter, reduce opening hours and require reduced or zero rent.
* Where are arriving coaches and school groups going to park?
* Businesses need to know when the road will be reopened as a matter of urgency. If it is to remain closed, they need to plan their autumn-winter closures and likely redundancies.
In other Campaign news, our Petition is at the 3,500 signature mark.
The Brighton Argus printed two letters today calling for Madeira Drive to be reopened.
Yesterday's letter from Ann Tyndale, of the snappily named Socialist Environment Resources Association Labour Party Environment Campaign, received an angry response from Argus readers.
'Stand Up & Be Counted' wrote: 'This is not supported by the community! Why is the Council not listening to public opinion? Two petitions are running - the one to reopen Madeira Drive has three times as many signatures. Stop damaging the local economy with these unsupported changes at a time when we need tourism back in our city!'
And Dirk Von Roden - who is disabled - wrote: 'Sick and tired of this Council! It rides roughshod over the Brighton & Hove residents, never taking into account what the residents want. I think someone in the Council is paid to sit in an office all day to think up ideas on how to cause Disabled and Elderly more inconvenience and harm!'
Finally, to be my utter astonishment, I have just received an email from the Chair and Secretary of the Labour Party's Local Campaign Forum for Brighton and Hove, Jon Rogers and Jo Viner, saying: 'The current experimental, temporary closure of Madeira Drive is going well - but if we want evidence which will enable us to secure popular support for the wider measures to reduce car use that will obviously be required, it must continue.
'There is already a backlash against the Council's positive, progressive step in closing Madeira Drive. If this reactionary backlash is successful, it will deal a deadly blow to our hopes of achieving carbon-neutrality by 2030.'
There is, of course, no mention of the cost to the livelihoods of the workers - the traders on Madeira Drive - or the discrimination against people with disability and other minority groups!
The email - which, incidentally, says it has been sent out on behalf of the Labour Party not from Brighton or Hove but from a Victoria Street, London address - has a headline which reads: 'Support Labour Party Policy - CONTINUE THE CLOSURE OF MADEIRA DRIVE TO TRAFFIC'. The email title line simply says: 'Support Labour Party Policy.'
I have to admit that I was unaware that, nationally, the Labour Party has a policy on Brighton's Madeira Drive!
You couldn't make it up!
* Wednesday, 17 June update: Relatively peaceful - compared with yesterday.
As I write, we are up to 3,632 signatures on our Reopen Madeira Drive Petition, which is great!
I have discovered that the people behind yesterday's national Labour Party email are from the far-left Momentum group.
Surprise, surprise!
It also seems that the Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Cameron Russell-Moyle has been wading in on social media, having a bit of a go at Brighton and Hove voters supporting the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition.
I was sent a couple of screengrabs of his updates on Facebook.
In one, he responded to a Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign supporter by saying: 'haha - wanting the arches to rot as a backdrop to a long car park is not pro-brighton [sic] and for democracy that statement is a joke. Asking people who live in brighton [sic] to take a view is democracy. Happy to send a dictionary if you need.'
The supporter pointed out that Madeira Arches were about to be restored.
Lloyd's comment did seem a bit rude to me, and I would have thought that Members of Parliament would have better things to do with their time during this period of national crisis than make comments of this ilk on social media.
There is no excuse for rudeness - particularly at this time.
As the Brighton Argus said in its sage editorial today (17 June 2020): 'We've been up against it. And we still are. What we must remember. . . is to remain polite and civil.'
In another comment on Facebook (of which I also have a screenshot), Lloyd Russell-Moyle told another Brighton voter supporting the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign: 'have a different assesment [sic] - fine. Then sign your petition and I'll promote mine to Brighton residents.'
Suddenly, the Keep Madeira Drive Closed petition appears to be owned and promoted by the Brighton Kemptown Member of Parliament.
It is an interesting intervention in local-authority politics by an MP!
Remember, Lloyd, you represent ALL of your constituents - not just a few of them!
Meanwhile, I hear that Brighton & Hove Council is planning a full public consultation on the future of Madeira Drive.
I will endeavour to keep you informed, my friends! Keep the faith!
P.S. Great lead letter in today's Brighton Argus, from Marilyn Russell, of Hove, who wrote: 'Bad move Brighton Council! Why continue the closure of Madeira Drive and threaten the existence of local businesses there?'
I won't type out the entire letter (it doesn't seem to be online yet), but it is superbly argued and concludes: 'Please come to your senses, Brighton Council, and open Madeira Drive now.'
Well said, Marilyn!
* Thursday, 18 June update: Late-night updating. Have been pretty tired today, so will keep it fairly short.
I was delighted to have my letter to the Brighton Argus published today, although, sadly, it not also in the online version. Here's a screenshot:
The point I am making is that many Labour Party supporters will want Madeira Drive reopened - to protect jobs and defend the rights of disabled people and other minority groups.
On Page Two of the Brighton Argus was another story about the battle of Madeira Drive, which, particularly in the online version, gave the impression that the traders would like it pedestrianised with a few caveats.
In fact, the minutes of the traders' meeting on Monday (15 June 2020) with Brighton and Hove City Council made it clear that most of them simply want Madeira Drive reopened to all users without delay.
All the same, the Argus report is clear that no traders want it to be kept closed on the back of the coronavirus crisis.
Tarot reader J J Braiden, who has worked on Madeira Drive for decades, said: 'To simply close the road means we are businesses are being closed down.'
And J J, whose supernatural skills, I am told, once helped to apprehend a murderer, knows a thing or two about foreseeing the future.
Another writer to the Brighton Argus complained about the Council's entire anti-car agenda, saying that 'motorists in Brighton deserve a break right now' and that 'co-existence of all modes of transport is the answer'.
And Neil Shaw, a constituent of Lloyd Russell-Moyles MP in Brighton Kemptown who is powering the campaign to keep Madeira Drive closed, wrote: 'The Council can [needs to] come up with 600 or so additional parking spaces for exclusive use of residents in Zone C, if they close Madeira [Drive], as then all those vehicles will pile up in the shared-use bays in Zone C, making it impossible for residents to go out in the day with any hope of being able to return home again.
'It's already bad on a Sunday where most of us can't use our cars as we end up with literally nowhere to park on our return as the council dish out permits at a higher rate than actual spaces, and we can't park elsewhere as we're surrounded by other parking zones.'
Neil added: 'If they [permanently] close Madeira Drive, us residents will respond with a go-slow protest every Saturday and Sunday through main routes of the city until they undo it.'
Lloyd Russell-Moyle please take note: this is how some of the constituents you represent feel about the Madeira Drive closure.
As I write, our petition to Reopen Madeira Drive stands at 3,760 signatures.
Finally, one Madeira Drive trader contacted me to say that 'to be legal, a temporary closure process should not impact people from minorities or any kind of disabilities in any way'.
He said the equalities implications of this for Brighton & Hove City Council are that any plan is 'subject to an Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA), and engagement with representative/community groups will help to mitigate any potential adverse effects on people with protected characteristics, no matter how sustainable'.
The trader added: 'The public sector equality duty still applies, and in making any changes to road networks, the council must consider the needs of disabled people and those with other protected characteristics. Accessibility requirements apply to temporary measures as they do to permanent ones.'
It seems to me that Brighton & Hove City Council has abjectly failed to do this in respect of the closure of Madeira Drive - badly letting down its citizens who are disabled.
Watch this space!
* Friday, 19 June update: Just a quick one today!
This morning, I cycled down to Madeira Drive to see just how busy it would be with cyclists, runners and walkers - all getting in their exercise!
This is what I found:
We now have around 3,800 Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign Petition signatures - yet tone-deaf Brighton & Hove City Council is still not listening to us, my friends.
I have been interviewed by Brighton's community TV channel Latest TV for a news piece to be broadcast early next week.
Tomorrow is Saturday - and I have feeling it will be a big day for our Campaign!
* Saturday, 20 June update: Rockers and Mods united today in the battle to reopen Madeira Drive!
At 2pm, bikers and scooter riders, many from the Brighton & Hove-based South Coast Mods, met up at the Brighton Pier entrance to Madeira Drive - for a Campaign photocall.
I made a short speech, which went: 'Friends, we are here today to protest against the continued closure of Madeira Drive - and to demand it is reopened to ALL users without further delay.
'Mods and bikers, traders and customers, disabled people and the able-bodied - we are united in our condemnation of Brighton & Hove City Council's bid to keep this iconic destination restricted to one or two user groups.
'We have no beef with cyclists, walkers and runners. Indeed, many of the more than 3,850 people who've signed our Petition on the Council's website also cycle, run and walk.
'But Madeira Drive is a place for ALL.
'It is a SHARED space for everyone.
'Cyclist, runner, walker, disabled person, motorcyclist, Mod, visiting driver, coach or school trip - we all have a right to use Madeira Drive.
'And make no mistake, my friends, without all of us the businesses here on Madeira Drive will die.
'Please ask everyone to support our Campaign and sign the Petition to Reopen Madeira Drive, on the Council's e-petitions web page.
'Remember: Our Cause is Just! The People Support Us! And together we will Keep Madeira Drive Alive!'
The speech was rounded off with me asking the crowd: 'What do we want open?'
The supporters replied: 'MADEIRA DRIVE!
'When do we want it open?'
This was repeated thrice before we moved off the entrance of Madeira Drive and had a good chat and an ice cream in the mouth to Brighton Pier!
Many people promised to join our Campaign today!
My heartfelt thanks to the bikers and Mods and others who took part!
And also to the police who were commendably laidback about our protest.
Great community policing, guys!
Thanks to the fine videography of Carl (thanks, mate!), here's a link to a video of the speech!¬if_id=1592679838820008¬if_t=watch_follower_video&ref=notif
* Sunday, 21 June Summer Solstice update: We went through the 3,900 barrier today on the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition, which, as I write, stands at 3,927!
Well done, everybody, and if you know anyone who hasn't signed, please ask them!
Moreover, this Campaign Blog has been read by an incredible 3,060 people!
I was reading Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas's comment piece in yesterday's edition of the Brighton Argus - and was struck by how illogical her viewpoint is.
She wrote, touchingly, about the 'shutdown of so many businesses which are vital to the local economy', during lockdown. Yet, through supporting the continued closure of Madeira Drive, Caroline Lucas is doing nothing to help 37 businesses there, many of which are facing financial disaster because their core customers - motorcylists, Mods and driver - can no longer reach them.
Methinks Caroline Lucas is trying to have her cake and eat it!
* Monday, 22 June: It is always worth picking up a copy of the Brighton Argus (just 75p) - if only to see what additional support the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign has picked up.
In today's edition, Paul Stacey, of Brighton, wrote: 'In recent days there has been a lot of attention taken with regards to closing Madeira Drive to traffic from both the public and Brighton and Hove City Council, but hang on, wasn't it this same Council that included Madeira Drive as part of the Phase 3 Valley Gardens scheme?
'It was going to be one-way from the Palace Pier to Duke's Mound, so after the Aquarium roundabout is taken away and the area made a T-junction, tell me where are the cars and coaches (which provide Brighton with tourist trade) going to go?
'So, please think again about closing Madeira Drive to traffic.'
And, on social media, Rob Arbury wrote: 'I would remind all that we have just been through a lengthy consultation on Valley Gardens Phase 3 and the removal of the Pier Roundabout.
'Traffic up Madeira Drive will be one way, in at the Pier and out at Duke's Mound.
'At no stage in this process was closing Madeira Drive even mooted, because it simply wouldn't fly. This temporary closure is an underhand way of doing things.'
Finally, for today, Simon Sykes, who says he is helping to run the Mod [Modern World] cafe at Madeira Drive, wrote on Facebook that a 'permanent road closure without any attractions to draw people in would cause damage to all the small businesses on Madeira Drive.
'Our main custom comes from passing traffic and people walking to and from their cars. Coaches also drop off on the road and that can bring trade.
'Can you honestly say that you would walk from one end of Madeira Drive and back again just for something to do?'
Our Petition is nearly at 3,950. Please encourage everyone who hasn't already signed it to do so asap.
Thank you, my friends. See you tomorrow!
* Tuesday, 23 June: A rollercoaster day in the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign.
Our Petition went through 4,000 signatures and, as I write, stands at: 4,154!
Nevertheless, Brighton & Hove City Council's Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee met this afternoon and tonight and decided, after a pretty feeble and poorly informed debate, to continue the closure, at least until September this year.
And the financial impact of this decision has not even been costed! It beggars belief!
The only sensible voice was that of Councillor Lee Wares who pointed out that the vast majority of traders' businesses were suffering badly, were refusing to pay their rent - and that the Labour Party and Green Party members were using the Covid-19 crisis to drive their own car-free agenda without the usual democratic consultation and due diligence processes.
The advice the councillors received was very poor.
When Coun. Wares asked a Council Officer why Madeira Drive was being not reopened if traders and residents objected in large numbers to it being closed, the Officer first dodged the question.
When Coun. Wares repeated it, the Officer claimed, risibly, that it is 'difficult to get views on that at the moment' and, therefore, it was recommended to 'keep it closed just for the moment'.
It was very disappointing that Momentum Labour and Green councillors have ignored the plight of disabled people who can no longer use the cafes and restaurants of Madeira Drive and the traders who are cut off from their customer base of motorcyclists, scooter riders and car drivers and will end up making redundancies or closing completely.
And it is also a shame that the Chairperson of the Committee, Councillor Anne Pissaridou, ignored our submission - the letter below:
More tomorrow my friends! We live to fight another day!
* Wednesday, 24 June: Today started at 8.15am with a couple of minutes on the BBC Radio Sussex Breakfast Show explaining why closing Madeira Drive has discriminated against disabled people, damaged traders and destroyed the pleasure of motorcyclists and Mods.
The top story of the day was Brighton & Hove City Council's unbelievable decision - also at last night's extraordinary Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee - to half-close the Brighton seafront to traffic, handing over two lanes to cyclists.
Having ridden up and down this road in the Summer for the past six years on my Vespa, I can tell you that this decision is BONKERS.
Our Campaign is purely about Madeira Drive, but it is staggering to perceive how little the Council understands the traffic on its own roads. A car dropping off passengers causes a tailback on this road. Roadworks reducing the span to a single lane pretty well halts the traffic.
Turning it from a road to a lane in the Summer is going to result in daytime gridlock, more pollution and a larger carbon footprint for Brighton & Hove. It is batshit crazy! But, as I say, you have to pick your fights, and ours is Madeira Drive.
I could not help reflecting on the tenor of the Committee meeting I witnessed last night - and the fact that our submission was ignored while the opposition was allowed its say.
So, Laura King and I wrote another letter to Councillor Anne Pissaridou, Chairperson of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, in the hope receiving a reply.
This one reads:
Dear Councillor Pissaridou,
We are still awaiting a reply from Councillor Pissaridou.
The other person on my mind was Brighton Kemptown
MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle.
I did not have time to write about it last night - but I was staggered by
Lloyd's interview in yesterday's Brighton Argus.
The revealing article conflated two separate stories, although both involved
the support of far-left Labour 'party within a party' Momentum.
It highlighted the disingenuous email - first mentioned in this blog - to
Labour Party members, claiming falsely that continued closure of Madeira
Drive is official Labour Party policy. It is in fact supposed to be a temporary
measure for the Covid-19 crisis.
Amusingly, the article said: 'The email did not appear to have been sent
to Councillor Daniel Yates, the Labour Council’s Deputy Chairman of the
Policy and Resources Committee. He was left stumped after originally telling
residents online that no such email existed.'
But the real meat is in the quotations from Lloyd Russell-Moyle.
It read: 'Asked about the concerns of businesses in the road, who say the closure is creating immense financial pressure, Mr Russell-Moyle said: “Quite frankly, for businesses to say they’re struggling – every business is struggling.
“Get real if you think you’re struggling because the road is shut.
“We’re struggling because we’re in the middle of a pandemic.”'
You could have knocked me down with a feather when I read this.
I guess I have always considered Lloyd to be a bit of a pantomime politician, what with his running off with the Mace, tugging at the Speaker's trousers or pretending to be a chicken, but most MPs have a very sensible cardinal rule: 'Never attack your constituents!'
Yet, here is Mr How To Make Friends and Influence People, telling working men and women in his constituency, who through no fault of their own have been separated from their customers by the local authority, to 'get real!'
It is beyond parody.
I thought I would give you a round-up of how the Labour & Cooperative MP's remarks have played with the Brighton public:
'What socialist would turn a deaf ear to workers about to lose their jobs and their businesses, when there is something that can be done about it?
'Shame on you, Lloyd! You will lose a lot of Labour support in your constituency over this!
'Perhaps, the true socialists should rise up to deselect you unless you withdraw these unconscionable remarks - and start supporting the workers who you are supposed to represent!'
On a brighter note, our petition now stands at an amazing 4,243!
Goodnight, friends! See you tomorrow!
* Thursday, 25 June Update: Mods and Rockers will gather at the Pier entrance to Madeira Drive on Saturday, 4 July, for a mass protest, from 2pm.
I seem to have spent a lot of time in the past week or two talking to the local media about the plight of the traders and discrimination against disabled people - all of which is true and accurate.
But, to be frank, one of the main reasons I started the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign is because I used to enjoy riding my Vespa down to the cafes at Madeira Drive - and I have been prevented from doing that by the closure.
I am a Mod and proud to be a Mod.
This morning I was talking to a dear friend, who owns and runs a bicycle shop in Hove. He reminded me of the great motoring heritage of Madeira Drive, with the Brighton Speed Trials, for instance, being held there since 1905. He said this is something we should cherish.
My cycle-shop friend is so right. It is the same with the Mods and Rockers. They have been meeting at Madeira Drive for decades for a cup of tea or coffee and a burger and chips.
And annual events like the August Bank Holiday Mod Weekender, the Ace Cafe Reunion Weekend and Brightona bring tens of thousands of Mods, other scooter riders and motorcyclists to Brighton and Hove.
It is an important part of our great city's motoring heritage - and, perhaps, in media interviews, I have been too reticent to defend that.
There is no shame in being a Mod. There is no shame in being a Rocker. There is no shame in demanding that we can meet when we like at Madeira Drive, Brighton.
At the bare minimum, Mods, bikers and car drivers need ALL-year access to Madeira Drive between the Aquarium Roundabout and Duke's Mound.
Many of 4,300 people who have signed our Petition are bikers or Mods who expect that!
That's why we will protest on Saturday, 4 July, 2pm, to demand that Brighton & Hove City Council reopens Madeira Drive - and doesn't turn its back on its great Mod and biker traditions.
* Saturday, 27 June Update: It is REALLY important that everyone fills in the Brighton & Hove City Council's Survey on the Closure of Madeira Drive:
It takes about 10 minutes.
Below, for your reference, is the overview page that comes up and then copies of the main questions and, just for your information, how I answered them:

The screen-grabs may not be exactly in the right order but I am sure you get the general idea.
There are a few more questions about your location and email address which are equally straight forward.
Brighton & Hove City Council is putting a lot of stock on the results of this Survey, so it is essential we all fill in out.
Thank you, my friends!
Here is the Survey link again:
* Sunday, 28 June Update: Lovely sunny, windy day - just back from a quick scoot out. Fun in the gale! My main update is the wonderful graphic that my partner Laura has created - to promote next Saturday's Big Mods and Rockers Protest at Madeira Drive:
Today, our Petition has reached an amazing 4,446 signatures!
Now it is vital we try to get as many of these supporters as possible to fill out Brighton & Hove City Council's Survey on Madeira Drive. It takes a few minutes and the update above this one gives easy-to-follow tips to make it a piece of cake!
* A very daft article in yesterday's Brighton Argus, claiming that the closure of Madeira Drive had been 'very well received' before setting out the familiar Green/Momentum ableist agenda for Brighton and Hove.
Let's look at just half a dozen of the many angry responses from readers.
Twonk wrote: 'What a blinkered article!'
Sussex23 wrote: 'We must get the economy going!'
Hovebat wrote: 'Let's just tackle the first paragraph, "Closing Madeira Drive is very popular." Whilst that may or may not [have been] true at first, it certainly is not now with the two e-petitions running - the Reopen one is almost 2,000 votes ahead and that's without backing from the likes of XR [Extinction Rebellion] and [Momentum] Labour.
'It is indisputable that [the majority of] Brightonians want Madeira Drive open.'
Triumph of Hope over Experience wrote: 'TWO whopping lies in the first paragraph. Madeira Drive closure is NOT popular or a success for most people and the Council has now admitted it intends to make it permanent, so NOT temporary!
'As for the bizarre use of the word "grumpy", I think seafront traders (and all city traders) facing financial ruin as a result of this Council's stealthy anti-visitor and anti-disabled moves dressed up as virtue signalling, post-lockdown losses are entitled to feel "grumpy" (and worse), not least when this country is facing the WORST depression since 1929 and their Council is not only refusing to HELP them, but is actively signing their death warrants in some mass "experiment" no one consented to. . .'
lniguu wrote: 'Brighton is a busy place that attracts visitors - get used to it!'
And GOrwell wrote: 'A contemptuous piece from an ableist who shows no concern at all for those who are physically unable to cycle, and rely on their cars for social interaction, exercise and shopping.'
Meanwhile, a more sensible Brighton Argus article, reported part of last week's Brighton & Hove Council Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee in which Assistant Director for City Transport Mark Prior admitted that motoring events 'will not be the focus' of Madeira Drive if the road remains closed.
He was confirming that well-attended, economically important and much-loved Madeira Drive events The Speed Trials, VW Brighton Breeze, Ace Cafe Burn Up, Pioneer Motorcycle Run, Veteran Car Run and Brightona might never happen again.
Mr Prior said: 'If it remains closed, then events will not be the focus and not the main consideration.'
The article, tucked away on page 18 of the Saturday, 27 June edition and apparently not online, also spelt out FOUR 'future proposals [for Madeira Drive] under investigation' by Council officials:
* Keep the stretch from Palace Pier to Duke's Mound closed but allow traffic to come down the slope at Duke's Mound to access Black Rock
* One-way access from the Aquarium Roundabout to Duke's Mound, with more walking and cycling space and parking on the southern side
* Close the road at the Aquarium end but still allow two-way traffic
* Return the road to its original state with two-way traffic in both directions
That's it for today's Campaign Update, my friends. I hope to see you all at next Saturday's demo and please find time to do the Survey. It is vital!
* Tuesday, 30 June Update: Today, as I write, our Reopen Madeira Drive Petition stands an incredible 4,675 signatures - more than 2,000 more than the rival petition despite their national Momentum/Extinction Rebellion promotion!
And Brighton's Latest TV last night screened its interview with me about the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign - it was good, although I looked sweatier under the studio lights than I would have liked!
And Laura King has written a great new blog post on the Battle for Madeira Drive.
Here are half a dozen pictures I have taken on my dog and bone during the past couple of weeks, illustrating just how busy Madeira Drive is with people exercising!
Please don't forget to do the Council's Madeira Drive Survey - and I hope to see you all for the Protest on Saturday:
Wednesday, 1 July Update:
* Our Petition now stands at 4,846 signatures. Incredible!
* We have been trying to get star cyclist and Mod Sir Bradley Wiggins to sign up - after he was spotted on Madeira Drive. Come on, Sir Wiggo! Show us your Mod credentials!
* This morning I spoke to a Madeira Drive trader, whose business was said to be flourishing under the conditions, by the Keep Madeira Drive Closed lobby. He told me it is simply not true. 'An overcast day is like a rainy day now,' he said. The trader wants Madeira Drive reopened but said the councillors who met the traders didn't seem to be listening to their concerns. He added that traders' business rates DOUBLED this year - and that the traders are still on rent strike over the closure of Madeira Drive.
* Labour/Momentum councillors wrote to the Brighton Argus giving a very one-sided view of the issue and urging people to complete their consultation. Yes, do the Survey, but remember the traders, remember the Mods, remember the bikers, remember the disabled, remember the tourists! Madeira Drive is for ALL!
See you at the Protest on Saturday (4 July), 2pm, my friends!
Thursday, 2 July Update: Hurray! Our Petition is on fire! It went through 5,000 signatures this afternoon and is going up at a phenomenal rate! As I write, 8.30pm, it stands at: 5,240!
It was a great day for the Campaign in other ways:
* The Brighton Argus published the letter I wrote yesterday in response to the Momentum Councillors' one-sided letter promoting the Council's Survey on Madeira Drive (when, as its promoters, the Councillors should have been impartial, of course).
Here it is:
Friday, 3 July Update: It has been a long week of campaigning - and it is not over yet!
It is now more than TWICE the size of the opposing Petition, despite them having sent out a national email to Momentum supporters claiming, mendaciously, that closure of Madeira Drive was Labour Party Policy.
One baffled citizen, who naively thought that Madeira Drive belongs only to Kemptown, rather than being a Brighton & Hove asset and regional and national destination for Mods and bikers, wrote to the Brighton Argus: 'What is going on?'
* A Mod friend sent me a link to my interview about Madeira Drive, on Latest TV:
With the weather forecast indicating it would be wet and very windy, I was naturally concerned about how practical the demonstration would prove to be.
P.S. My partner Laura King has started a Reopen Madeira Drive to All group on Facebook. Please join:
It was a gorgeous morning today, so I cycled down to Madeira Drive to check out the exercisers:
I am trying to write this Campaign update every second day - but there is no much to report.
All the same, it was a good report - and I loved the picture they ran large of me on my Vespa PX125 and the succinct quote that the closure was 'killing businesses who rely on motorcyclists and mods' trade'.
Yet, the bad news from Brighton and Hove keeps coming.
* Thursday, 9 July 2020: I have been working for 36 years today! I remember my first day as a junior reporter at the Hull Daily Mail, 9 July 1984, like it was yesterday. And 36 years on, I still using those journalistic skills for a good cause.
And the Reopen Madeira Drive Facebook group - started by my wonderful partner Laura King - now has more than 900 members which it has acquired it just three days!
In the Brighton Argus, Sage of Sussex Adam Trimingham - a fine veteran journalist - wrote some wise words, which, sadly, don't seem to have made it into the online edition.
Adam observed that the closure of Madeira Drive 'will cause immense grief to the organisers of many events held there and to local traders'.
'The council has now gone much further by proposing a cycle lane in the road between Palace Pier and King Alfred leisure centre. This is simply stupid. . . The council has a mad glint in its civic eye. It calls these schemes temporary but everyone knows they will be permanent.'
Well said, Adam! The man who covered Nicholas van Hoogstraten back in the day isn't afraid to tell the Council what's what!
One Madeira Drive events organiser, the Vintage Motor Cycle Club, has started a crowd-funder. It is to help finance legal action against Brighton & Hove City Council over the Madeira Drive closure.
The Brighton Argus' letters page has been on fire with letters supporting our Campaign.
Paul Johnston, of Hove, wrote that our Mods' protest last Saturday was entirely justified.
He said: 'As it appears that Brighton Council are following their own political agenda, regardless of the wishes of the majority of Brighton residents, I wholeheartedly support the “mods protest” regarding the proposed Madeira Drive closure.
'Our council leader clearly has no knowledge or interest in Brighton’s heritage.
'The closure of Madeira Drive is another nail in the coffin to the many events that have taken place since I was born here.
* Friday, 10 July Campaign Update: A quick one today!
I got a nice letter in the Brighton Argus, basically asking if Brighton & Hove City Council really intended to declare war on the Mods:
There was a good letter in today's Argus, from David Patrick, of Olive Road, Hove, talking about the 'underhandedness' of Brighton & Hove City Council in the way it has gone about making road changes.
Our Petition, as I write, now has 8,666 signatures - that's 5,837 ahead of the petition to keep Madeira Drive closed!
And the Reopen Madeira Drive Facebook Group now has more than 1,000 members.
Please also sign the Petition to Remove the Old Shoreham Road Cycle Lane Extension as it is causing congestion and pollution - and, also, the opposing petition impacts on the Madeira Drive situation.
And spread the word about the Madeira Drive Protest on Sunday, 19 July, 1pm. We want this to be a national event with as many noisy protesters as possible.
Keep the faith, brothers and sisters!
P.S. I hear the Council has decided to use any future revenue from parking on Madeira Drive to pay for the restoration of Madeira Arches. Well done, guys! All the more reason to let the motorists back in!
* Saturday, 11 July Update: Our Petition has reached more than 9,000 signatures!
Please keep spreading the word about the Big Protest next Sunday (19 July)!
* Monday, 13 July Campaign Update:
It was another gorgeous morning at Madeira Drive - and another almost totally deserted waste of space. . . thanks to Brighton & Hove City Council:
But this was at 9am. What about Monday lunchtime? Friend Neal Banister sent this video:
Yes, it was as quiet!
Other Campaign News: Carl has sent this video - in which a visiting cyclist at Madeira Drive over the weekend backed our Campaign to reopen it, saying that the closure to motorcyclists and scooterists was 'silly' and that 'it would be better if it was open'.
It was a tough one to pass for me as a Mod. I couldn't take it on my Vespa PX125 because it is simply not fast or powerful enough (maximum speed: 55mph). Instead, I took it on a 700cc Japanese motorbike (a Yamaha MT07) , hanging on for dear life doing 60mph on winding roads in Burgess Hill or 70mph on the M23. I am hugely relieved to have passed (third time lucky) but also not to have perished in the process.
My thanks also go to my friend, neighbour and Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign supporter Chris (pictured below), who rides a big Indian motorbike and also a massive BMW bike and who kindly took me out to practise the test routes last weekend.
But this makes it all the more vital that we protest on Sunday to secure a reopening of Madeira Drive to all scooter and motorbike riders. It will help Laura and me when we speak to Full Council a week today (Thursday, 23 July) to argue for the immediate reopening of Madeira Drive and present our Petition which has almost 10,000 signatures - an army of supporters!
As I write, our Petition is edging towards the 10,000 signatures barrier!
Chuffing Incredible!
Excitement is building among Mods and Rockers for our Big Protest on Sunday morning and lunchtime - and probably afternoon as well!
Just through this semi-victory, my friends, we have saved the city from losing hundreds of millions of pounds in income, protected hundreds of jobs and prevented our great motoring history from being binned.
Now let's finish the job - and get Madeira Drive reopened for good - for all to enjoy!
I will be there at the Big Protest from around 11am this Sunday.
I trust I will see you all there! The weather is perfect! Our cause is just! Now is our time, my friends!
No excuses!
I loved the ITV Meridian package:
And even dedicated cyclists, such as the couple pictured below, turned up to support the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign.
Quadrophenia star Gary Shail - who played Spider - texted his support and his apologies for not being able to be there in person.
And Quadrophenia author Simon Wells - who wrote Quadrophenia A Way of Life - attended.
It was just what we needed in the run-up to Thursday (23 July) - when we will be asking Brighton & Hove's Full Council meeting to reopen Madeira Drive.
Here are some more pictures from the day:
The story was running on the Press Association newswire, and was picked up by publications the length and breadth of Britain.
Here are the versions of the story in the Aberdeen Evening Express, the Bradford Telegraph, the London Globe, the Wolverhampton Express and Star, the Southern Daily Echo, the Glasgow Evening Times, Salford City News, the Shropshire Star, the Bolton News, the Carrick Herald, the Belfast Telegraph, and the Dorset Echo.
The Brighton Argus did a great picture spread. Thanks, guys!
Thanks to Carl for this video of my speech yesterday.

There was also a great letter in the printed version of the Brighton Argus (always worth 75p!):
* Wednesday, 22 July Update: Another lovely warm, sunny morning at Madeira Drive! Just look at how busy it is with cyclists and pedestrians:
* Wednesday, 17 June update: Relatively peaceful - compared with yesterday.
As I write, we are up to 3,632 signatures on our Reopen Madeira Drive Petition, which is great!
I have discovered that the people behind yesterday's national Labour Party email are from the far-left Momentum group.
Surprise, surprise!
It also seems that the Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Cameron Russell-Moyle has been wading in on social media, having a bit of a go at Brighton and Hove voters supporting the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition.
I was sent a couple of screengrabs of his updates on Facebook.
In one, he responded to a Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign supporter by saying: 'haha - wanting the arches to rot as a backdrop to a long car park is not pro-brighton [sic] and for democracy that statement is a joke. Asking people who live in brighton [sic] to take a view is democracy. Happy to send a dictionary if you need.'
The supporter pointed out that Madeira Arches were about to be restored.
Lloyd's comment did seem a bit rude to me, and I would have thought that Members of Parliament would have better things to do with their time during this period of national crisis than make comments of this ilk on social media.
There is no excuse for rudeness - particularly at this time.
As the Brighton Argus said in its sage editorial today (17 June 2020): 'We've been up against it. And we still are. What we must remember. . . is to remain polite and civil.'
In another comment on Facebook (of which I also have a screenshot), Lloyd Russell-Moyle told another Brighton voter supporting the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign: 'have a different assesment [sic] - fine. Then sign your petition and I'll promote mine to Brighton residents.'
Suddenly, the Keep Madeira Drive Closed petition appears to be owned and promoted by the Brighton Kemptown Member of Parliament.
It is an interesting intervention in local-authority politics by an MP!
Remember, Lloyd, you represent ALL of your constituents - not just a few of them!
Meanwhile, I hear that Brighton & Hove Council is planning a full public consultation on the future of Madeira Drive.
I will endeavour to keep you informed, my friends! Keep the faith!
P.S. Great lead letter in today's Brighton Argus, from Marilyn Russell, of Hove, who wrote: 'Bad move Brighton Council! Why continue the closure of Madeira Drive and threaten the existence of local businesses there?'
I won't type out the entire letter (it doesn't seem to be online yet), but it is superbly argued and concludes: 'Please come to your senses, Brighton Council, and open Madeira Drive now.'
Well said, Marilyn!
* Thursday, 18 June update: Late-night updating. Have been pretty tired today, so will keep it fairly short.
I was delighted to have my letter to the Brighton Argus published today, although, sadly, it not also in the online version. Here's a screenshot:
The point I am making is that many Labour Party supporters will want Madeira Drive reopened - to protect jobs and defend the rights of disabled people and other minority groups.
On Page Two of the Brighton Argus was another story about the battle of Madeira Drive, which, particularly in the online version, gave the impression that the traders would like it pedestrianised with a few caveats.
In fact, the minutes of the traders' meeting on Monday (15 June 2020) with Brighton and Hove City Council made it clear that most of them simply want Madeira Drive reopened to all users without delay.
All the same, the Argus report is clear that no traders want it to be kept closed on the back of the coronavirus crisis.
Tarot reader J J Braiden, who has worked on Madeira Drive for decades, said: 'To simply close the road means we are businesses are being closed down.'
And J J, whose supernatural skills, I am told, once helped to apprehend a murderer, knows a thing or two about foreseeing the future.
Another writer to the Brighton Argus complained about the Council's entire anti-car agenda, saying that 'motorists in Brighton deserve a break right now' and that 'co-existence of all modes of transport is the answer'.
And Neil Shaw, a constituent of Lloyd Russell-Moyles MP in Brighton Kemptown who is powering the campaign to keep Madeira Drive closed, wrote: 'The Council can [needs to] come up with 600 or so additional parking spaces for exclusive use of residents in Zone C, if they close Madeira [Drive], as then all those vehicles will pile up in the shared-use bays in Zone C, making it impossible for residents to go out in the day with any hope of being able to return home again.
'It's already bad on a Sunday where most of us can't use our cars as we end up with literally nowhere to park on our return as the council dish out permits at a higher rate than actual spaces, and we can't park elsewhere as we're surrounded by other parking zones.'
Neil added: 'If they [permanently] close Madeira Drive, us residents will respond with a go-slow protest every Saturday and Sunday through main routes of the city until they undo it.'
Lloyd Russell-Moyle please take note: this is how some of the constituents you represent feel about the Madeira Drive closure.
As I write, our petition to Reopen Madeira Drive stands at 3,760 signatures.
Finally, one Madeira Drive trader contacted me to say that 'to be legal, a temporary closure process should not impact people from minorities or any kind of disabilities in any way'.
He said the equalities implications of this for Brighton & Hove City Council are that any plan is 'subject to an Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA), and engagement with representative/community groups will help to mitigate any potential adverse effects on people with protected characteristics, no matter how sustainable'.
The trader added: 'The public sector equality duty still applies, and in making any changes to road networks, the council must consider the needs of disabled people and those with other protected characteristics. Accessibility requirements apply to temporary measures as they do to permanent ones.'
It seems to me that Brighton & Hove City Council has abjectly failed to do this in respect of the closure of Madeira Drive - badly letting down its citizens who are disabled.
Watch this space!
* Friday, 19 June update: Just a quick one today!
This morning, I cycled down to Madeira Drive to see just how busy it would be with cyclists, runners and walkers - all getting in their exercise!
This is what I found:
We now have around 3,800 Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign Petition signatures - yet tone-deaf Brighton & Hove City Council is still not listening to us, my friends.
I have been interviewed by Brighton's community TV channel Latest TV for a news piece to be broadcast early next week.
Tomorrow is Saturday - and I have feeling it will be a big day for our Campaign!
* Saturday, 20 June update: Rockers and Mods united today in the battle to reopen Madeira Drive!
At 2pm, bikers and scooter riders, many from the Brighton & Hove-based South Coast Mods, met up at the Brighton Pier entrance to Madeira Drive - for a Campaign photocall.
I made a short speech, which went: 'Friends, we are here today to protest against the continued closure of Madeira Drive - and to demand it is reopened to ALL users without further delay.
'Mods and bikers, traders and customers, disabled people and the able-bodied - we are united in our condemnation of Brighton & Hove City Council's bid to keep this iconic destination restricted to one or two user groups.
'We have no beef with cyclists, walkers and runners. Indeed, many of the more than 3,850 people who've signed our Petition on the Council's website also cycle, run and walk.
'But Madeira Drive is a place for ALL.
'It is a SHARED space for everyone.
'Cyclist, runner, walker, disabled person, motorcyclist, Mod, visiting driver, coach or school trip - we all have a right to use Madeira Drive.
'And make no mistake, my friends, without all of us the businesses here on Madeira Drive will die.
'Please ask everyone to support our Campaign and sign the Petition to Reopen Madeira Drive, on the Council's e-petitions web page.
'Remember: Our Cause is Just! The People Support Us! And together we will Keep Madeira Drive Alive!'
The speech was rounded off with me asking the crowd: 'What do we want open?'
The supporters replied: 'MADEIRA DRIVE!
'When do we want it open?'
This was repeated thrice before we moved off the entrance of Madeira Drive and had a good chat and an ice cream in the mouth to Brighton Pier!
Many people promised to join our Campaign today!
My heartfelt thanks to the bikers and Mods and others who took part!
And also to the police who were commendably laidback about our protest.
Great community policing, guys!
Thanks to the fine videography of Carl (thanks, mate!), here's a link to a video of the speech!¬if_id=1592679838820008¬if_t=watch_follower_video&ref=notif
* Sunday, 21 June Summer Solstice update: We went through the 3,900 barrier today on the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition, which, as I write, stands at 3,927!
Well done, everybody, and if you know anyone who hasn't signed, please ask them!
Moreover, this Campaign Blog has been read by an incredible 3,060 people!
I was reading Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas's comment piece in yesterday's edition of the Brighton Argus - and was struck by how illogical her viewpoint is.
She wrote, touchingly, about the 'shutdown of so many businesses which are vital to the local economy', during lockdown. Yet, through supporting the continued closure of Madeira Drive, Caroline Lucas is doing nothing to help 37 businesses there, many of which are facing financial disaster because their core customers - motorcylists, Mods and driver - can no longer reach them.
Methinks Caroline Lucas is trying to have her cake and eat it!
* Monday, 22 June: It is always worth picking up a copy of the Brighton Argus (just 75p) - if only to see what additional support the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign has picked up.
In today's edition, Paul Stacey, of Brighton, wrote: 'In recent days there has been a lot of attention taken with regards to closing Madeira Drive to traffic from both the public and Brighton and Hove City Council, but hang on, wasn't it this same Council that included Madeira Drive as part of the Phase 3 Valley Gardens scheme?
'It was going to be one-way from the Palace Pier to Duke's Mound, so after the Aquarium roundabout is taken away and the area made a T-junction, tell me where are the cars and coaches (which provide Brighton with tourist trade) going to go?
'So, please think again about closing Madeira Drive to traffic.'
And, on social media, Rob Arbury wrote: 'I would remind all that we have just been through a lengthy consultation on Valley Gardens Phase 3 and the removal of the Pier Roundabout.
'Traffic up Madeira Drive will be one way, in at the Pier and out at Duke's Mound.
'At no stage in this process was closing Madeira Drive even mooted, because it simply wouldn't fly. This temporary closure is an underhand way of doing things.'
Finally, for today, Simon Sykes, who says he is helping to run the Mod [Modern World] cafe at Madeira Drive, wrote on Facebook that a 'permanent road closure without any attractions to draw people in would cause damage to all the small businesses on Madeira Drive.
'Our main custom comes from passing traffic and people walking to and from their cars. Coaches also drop off on the road and that can bring trade.
'Can you honestly say that you would walk from one end of Madeira Drive and back again just for something to do?'
Our Petition is nearly at 3,950. Please encourage everyone who hasn't already signed it to do so asap.
Thank you, my friends. See you tomorrow!
* Tuesday, 23 June: A rollercoaster day in the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign.
Our Petition went through 4,000 signatures and, as I write, stands at: 4,154!
Nevertheless, Brighton & Hove City Council's Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee met this afternoon and tonight and decided, after a pretty feeble and poorly informed debate, to continue the closure, at least until September this year.
And the financial impact of this decision has not even been costed! It beggars belief!
The only sensible voice was that of Councillor Lee Wares who pointed out that the vast majority of traders' businesses were suffering badly, were refusing to pay their rent - and that the Labour Party and Green Party members were using the Covid-19 crisis to drive their own car-free agenda without the usual democratic consultation and due diligence processes.
The advice the councillors received was very poor.
When Coun. Wares asked a Council Officer why Madeira Drive was being not reopened if traders and residents objected in large numbers to it being closed, the Officer first dodged the question.
When Coun. Wares repeated it, the Officer claimed, risibly, that it is 'difficult to get views on that at the moment' and, therefore, it was recommended to 'keep it closed just for the moment'.
It was very disappointing that Momentum Labour and Green councillors have ignored the plight of disabled people who can no longer use the cafes and restaurants of Madeira Drive and the traders who are cut off from their customer base of motorcyclists, scooter riders and car drivers and will end up making redundancies or closing completely.
And it is also a shame that the Chairperson of the Committee, Councillor Anne Pissaridou, ignored our submission - the letter below:
21 June 2020
From Ollie Wilson and Laura King
To Councillor Anne Pissaridou, Chairperson, Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, Brighon & Hove City Council
By email
Dear Councillor Pissaridou,
Ahead of this week's Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, we are writing to explain in detail why Madeira Drive should be reopened to all users now that lockdown is easing.
As you know Madeira Drive was closed to traffic during the coronavirus crisis to allow citizens more space to exercise, partly in response to a council-website petition of 731 signatures requesting more exercise space during lockdown.
However, now the need for this exercise space has gone and Brighton & Hove is reopening and getting back to normal, the pressure to keep Madeira Drive closed to traffic has come from another source - the desire to make the city car-free by 2030.
Again, most people understand the need to cut global carbon emissions and the role that our city can play in this.
However, it needs to be done in a scientific, logical and strategic way.
We need to look at the level of pollution and carbon emissions caused by the many different roads in Brighton & Hove to discern the best way to reduce the overall level of carbon emissions while causing minimal damage to the local economy and tourism.
The unilateral, politically opportunistic and non-strategic act of extending the closure of Madeira Drive will have serious unintended consequences: the businesses of Madeira Drive traders will collapse, the Council will lose substantial levels of revenue from 363 prime visitor parking spaces and from rents and business rates, the rights of disabled people will be restricted - and the quality of recreation for many Brighton & Hove citizens and visitors will decline.
The wages for the stewards guarding all three entrances and exits to Madeira Drive will also add to the cost.
From an environmental perspective, you may find that, overall, carbon emissions in the city are, in reality, increased by the closure because traffic has been forced into more congested and polluted areas such as Kemptown.
Proper and professional emissions research needs to be undertaken before any traffic closure of Madeira Drive for environmental reasons.
To take a holistic view of the situation, we believe you should first consult with all the relevant stakeholders:
* Disabled people who use the facilities on Madeira Drive
* All Madeira Drive traders
* Motorcyclists and Mods/scooter riders and other motorists who visit Madeira Drive to frequent the cafes and restaurants
* Tourists who use Madeira Drive for parking
* Coach and tour companies who use Madeira Drive
* Cyclists, walkers and runners who use Madeira Drive
* Brighton & Hove residents including those in Kemptown affected by parking
You would also need to calculate the loss in revenue to the Council from parking revenue, business rates and rents and assess the risk of compensation claims from traders whose leases may be breached by an extended closure of Madeira Drive.
And you should also take into account the cost of the salaries of the stewards paid to guard Madeira Drive seven days a week.
Moreover, for any further closure to occur, we understand that an Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) needs to take place with engagement with representative/community groups to help to mitigate any potential adverse effects on people with protected characteristics, no matter how sustainable.
In respect of this, the public sector equality duty still applies, and in making any changes to road networks, the Council must consider the needs of disabled people and those with other protected characteristics.
Accessibility requirements apply to temporary measures as they do to permanent ones.
Furthermore, where would closure of Madeira Drive leave the Madeira Terraces restoration?
Local heritage groups will shortly be joining our Campaign if there is not a commitment from the Council that the restoration work will commence in the very near future.
As each batch of arches is restored, those covered pedestrian walkways and access stairs/ramps can be reopened providing more genuine pedestrian and retail space.
Last Monday (15 June 2020), around 35 traders made it abundantly clear to you and your colleagues that they want Madeira Drive reopened to all users without further delay and that any pedestrianisation plans can only be considered after public consultation, major landscaping of, and investment in, Madeira Drive.
As we write, around 3,900 people, including those with disability, have signed our petition to reopen Madeira Drive for all users, on the Council's e-petitions website page.
This indicates substantial public support for reopening Madeira Drive.
We understand that this week a recommendation is to be put before the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, of which you are chairperson, to keep Madeira Drive closed from the Aquarium roundabout to the bottom of Duke's Mound while further engagement takes place on future arrangements.
We are afraid to say that this is not acceptable as it would keep the cafes and restaurants on Madeira Drive cut off from their core customers - motorcycles, Mods and other scooter riders.
Without access for motorcyclists and scooter riders, these businesses will not survive. Already a public demonstration demanding that Madeira Drive be reopened has been held by the biker and scooter fraternity.
Continued closure of this section of Madeira Drive would also prevent car-driving disabled people from using these businesses.
Let's be clear, the traders have suffered very badly during the coronavirus crisis.
This is absolutely not the right time to introduce an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order to extend the closure.
It will cause further damage to traders' businesses, prove deeply unpopular with motorcyclists and scooter riders, and prevent disabled access by car to the cafes and restaurants.
Instead, you have the power to take the heat out of this controversial and divisive situation by reopening Madeira Drive to all users while a full consultation of all stakeholder groups takes place on what is best for local people, visitors, businesses - and for our precious environment.
Everyone in Brighton and Hove has suffered during lockdown.
You have the golden opportunity this week to help heal divisions by returning to the status quo of a Madeira Drive with access for all while starting a proper and credible process to determine the environmental, economic and recreational future of Madeira Drive.
We urge you to take it.
We look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Ollie Wilson and Laura King
On behalf of the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign
More tomorrow my friends! We live to fight another day!
* Wednesday, 24 June: Today started at 8.15am with a couple of minutes on the BBC Radio Sussex Breakfast Show explaining why closing Madeira Drive has discriminated against disabled people, damaged traders and destroyed the pleasure of motorcyclists and Mods.
The top story of the day was Brighton & Hove City Council's unbelievable decision - also at last night's extraordinary Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee - to half-close the Brighton seafront to traffic, handing over two lanes to cyclists.
Having ridden up and down this road in the Summer for the past six years on my Vespa, I can tell you that this decision is BONKERS.
Our Campaign is purely about Madeira Drive, but it is staggering to perceive how little the Council understands the traffic on its own roads. A car dropping off passengers causes a tailback on this road. Roadworks reducing the span to a single lane pretty well halts the traffic.
Turning it from a road to a lane in the Summer is going to result in daytime gridlock, more pollution and a larger carbon footprint for Brighton & Hove. It is batshit crazy! But, as I say, you have to pick your fights, and ours is Madeira Drive.
I could not help reflecting on the tenor of the Committee meeting I witnessed last night - and the fact that our submission was ignored while the opposition was allowed its say.
So, Laura King and I wrote another letter to Councillor Anne Pissaridou, Chairperson of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, in the hope receiving a reply.
This one reads:
Dear Councillor Pissaridou,
We watched the Environment, Transport and Sustainability meeting online last night and were absolutely appalled that our submission (below) was completely ignored.
You did not raise any of the excellent points we put to you for this committee.
Brighton & Hove City Council appears to be using the Covid-19 crisis to push through its ableist agenda, discriminating against disabled people (at least until September), destroying the businesses of traders (despite them making it clear to you on 15 June that they need to have Madeira Drive reopened urgently to allow their businesses to recover), and also preventing the pleasure of local motorcyclists and scooter riders who regularly meet at Madeira Drive.
Your uncosted decision to keep Madeira Drive closed is, in reality, set to cost the Council thousands of pounds, possibly tens of thousands of pounds [since we sent this, it has come out that the cost will be hundreds of thousands of pounds, possibly millions of pound over time], in lost revenue, and seriously damage the local economy including the City's income from tourism.
Moreover, you have considered no scientific evidence on carbon emissions at Madeira Drive and surrounding areas.
By banning visiting traffic from Madeira Drive, you are moving it in land to more polluted and congested areas, which is likely to increase, not decrease, the area's overall carbon footprint.
If this is not the case, let us see the scientific research and evidence, rather than the anecdotal claims of blinkered, ableist campaigners.
You have totally ignored our point of view, despite the fact we have the support of 4,200 citizens who have signed our petition - which we understand is a record for the Council e-petitions site.
One disabled person, Dirk Von Roden, who needed to drive to the chip shop on Madeira Drive, asked: "Why are the Council trying to make Brighton and Hove so inaccessible to the disabled and elderly?'
Veteran Madeira Drive trader JJ Braiden said: "To simply close the road means we as businesses are being closed down."
Please reconsider.
The shocking debate we witnessed last night is not the way to do local government.
Yours sincerely,
Ollie Wilson and Laura King
Hove BN3
We are still awaiting a reply from Councillor Pissaridou.
The other person on my mind was Brighton Kemptown
MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle.
I did not have time to write about it last night - but I was staggered by
Lloyd's interview in yesterday's Brighton Argus.
The revealing article conflated two separate stories, although both involved
the support of far-left Labour 'party within a party' Momentum.
It highlighted the disingenuous email - first mentioned in this blog - to
Labour Party members, claiming falsely that continued closure of Madeira
Drive is official Labour Party policy. It is in fact supposed to be a temporary
measure for the Covid-19 crisis.
Amusingly, the article said: 'The email did not appear to have been sent
to Councillor Daniel Yates, the Labour Council’s Deputy Chairman of the
Policy and Resources Committee. He was left stumped after originally telling
residents online that no such email existed.'
But the real meat is in the quotations from Lloyd Russell-Moyle.
It read: 'Asked about the concerns of businesses in the road, who say the closure is creating immense financial pressure, Mr Russell-Moyle said: “Quite frankly, for businesses to say they’re struggling – every business is struggling.
“Get real if you think you’re struggling because the road is shut.
“We’re struggling because we’re in the middle of a pandemic.”'
You could have knocked me down with a feather when I read this.
I guess I have always considered Lloyd to be a bit of a pantomime politician, what with his running off with the Mace, tugging at the Speaker's trousers or pretending to be a chicken, but most MPs have a very sensible cardinal rule: 'Never attack your constituents!'
Yet, here is Mr How To Make Friends and Influence People, telling working men and women in his constituency, who through no fault of their own have been separated from their customers by the local authority, to 'get real!'
It is beyond parody.
I thought I would give you a round-up of how the Labour & Cooperative MP's remarks have played with the Brighton public:
Thedavie wrote: 'Do you remember when Labour had some MPs with brains and the Co-Op had sensible prices and supported Labour. Today's situation, no one could make it up.'
Darcy de F'arcy wrote: 'Well, you got what you voted for. Don't make the same mistake again.'
Fozziefozborn wrote: 'R.I.P. Brighton Tourism. Killed by left-wing politicians 2020. The goal is to have all people working for the state or dependent on benefits.'
Brightonmatters wrote: 'Morning LRM, you worm! Just because you don't need a proper job, doesn't mean no one else does or can survive on thin air. Get real!'
Mark by the sea wrote that Lloyd is an 'out of touch MP who has never run a business talking idealist ideas'.
lniguu wrote: 'To say that every business is struggling due to this pandemic is true but the businesses on Madeira Drive are now also having to deal with idiots like this who want to shut the road down permanently.
'What about the Concorde and Yellow Wave and the Volks?"
'You [Lloyd] just keep collecting your gold-plated wage packet and your pension contributions and your subsidised meals and drinks and all the other perks you get.
'You think shutting this road down will deter people from coming to Brighton in their cars?
'It just means they will be driving around for longer looking for a space somewhere else. Whoever voted for this fool should hang their heads!'
Threepennybit wrote: 'So, removing all those parking spaces will bump up parking prices all over the city including residential permits, because of lost revenue.
'Less traffic will no doubt lead to less tourism and people will no doubt visit places that cater for their needs outside of the city, like Worthing, Crawley and Eastbourne.
'Slow clap Labour, no wonder businesses were closing before the pandemic. . .'
BtonBlues wrote: 'This is the first time for decades that I believe Brighton & Hove will actually vote against Labour and the Green parties at next year's local election.
'The way in which this Labour MP has spoken to these local businesses along Madeira Drive is just incredible. Exceptionally rude and disingenuous to those who bring business and tourism to the city.'
Finally, Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign - we had to have our say - wrote: 'I believe that this is one of the most disgraceful comments I have ever heard from a Labour MP.
'It makes me ashamed to be a member of the same party as Lloyd Russell-Moyle.
'Make no mistake, jobs will be lost at Madeira Drive businesses if it is not reopened and, yet, Mr Russell-Moyle is telling the working men and women there to 'Get real!'
'Shame on you, Lloyd! You will lose a lot of Labour support in your constituency over this!
'Perhaps, the true socialists should rise up to deselect you unless you withdraw these unconscionable remarks - and start supporting the workers who you are supposed to represent!'
On a brighter note, our petition now stands at an amazing 4,243!
Goodnight, friends! See you tomorrow!
* Thursday, 25 June Update: Mods and Rockers will gather at the Pier entrance to Madeira Drive on Saturday, 4 July, for a mass protest, from 2pm.
I seem to have spent a lot of time in the past week or two talking to the local media about the plight of the traders and discrimination against disabled people - all of which is true and accurate.

I am a Mod and proud to be a Mod.
This morning I was talking to a dear friend, who owns and runs a bicycle shop in Hove. He reminded me of the great motoring heritage of Madeira Drive, with the Brighton Speed Trials, for instance, being held there since 1905. He said this is something we should cherish.
My cycle-shop friend is so right. It is the same with the Mods and Rockers. They have been meeting at Madeira Drive for decades for a cup of tea or coffee and a burger and chips.
And annual events like the August Bank Holiday Mod Weekender, the Ace Cafe Reunion Weekend and Brightona bring tens of thousands of Mods, other scooter riders and motorcyclists to Brighton and Hove.
It is an important part of our great city's motoring heritage - and, perhaps, in media interviews, I have been too reticent to defend that.
There is no shame in being a Mod. There is no shame in being a Rocker. There is no shame in demanding that we can meet when we like at Madeira Drive, Brighton.
At the bare minimum, Mods, bikers and car drivers need ALL-year access to Madeira Drive between the Aquarium Roundabout and Duke's Mound.
Many of 4,300 people who have signed our Petition are bikers or Mods who expect that!
That's why we will protest on Saturday, 4 July, 2pm, to demand that Brighton & Hove City Council reopens Madeira Drive - and doesn't turn its back on its great Mod and biker traditions.
* Saturday, 27 June Update: It is REALLY important that everyone fills in the Brighton & Hove City Council's Survey on the Closure of Madeira Drive:
It takes about 10 minutes.
Below, for your reference, is the overview page that comes up and then copies of the main questions and, just for your information, how I answered them:

There are a few more questions about your location and email address which are equally straight forward.
Brighton & Hove City Council is putting a lot of stock on the results of this Survey, so it is essential we all fill in out.
Thank you, my friends!
Here is the Survey link again:
* Sunday, 28 June Update: Lovely sunny, windy day - just back from a quick scoot out. Fun in the gale! My main update is the wonderful graphic that my partner Laura has created - to promote next Saturday's Big Mods and Rockers Protest at Madeira Drive:
Today, our Petition has reached an amazing 4,446 signatures!
Now it is vital we try to get as many of these supporters as possible to fill out Brighton & Hove City Council's Survey on Madeira Drive. It takes a few minutes and the update above this one gives easy-to-follow tips to make it a piece of cake!
* A very daft article in yesterday's Brighton Argus, claiming that the closure of Madeira Drive had been 'very well received' before setting out the familiar Green/Momentum ableist agenda for Brighton and Hove.
Let's look at just half a dozen of the many angry responses from readers.
Twonk wrote: 'What a blinkered article!'
Sussex23 wrote: 'We must get the economy going!'
Hovebat wrote: 'Let's just tackle the first paragraph, "Closing Madeira Drive is very popular." Whilst that may or may not [have been] true at first, it certainly is not now with the two e-petitions running - the Reopen one is almost 2,000 votes ahead and that's without backing from the likes of XR [Extinction Rebellion] and [Momentum] Labour.
'It is indisputable that [the majority of] Brightonians want Madeira Drive open.'
Triumph of Hope over Experience wrote: 'TWO whopping lies in the first paragraph. Madeira Drive closure is NOT popular or a success for most people and the Council has now admitted it intends to make it permanent, so NOT temporary!
'As for the bizarre use of the word "grumpy", I think seafront traders (and all city traders) facing financial ruin as a result of this Council's stealthy anti-visitor and anti-disabled moves dressed up as virtue signalling, post-lockdown losses are entitled to feel "grumpy" (and worse), not least when this country is facing the WORST depression since 1929 and their Council is not only refusing to HELP them, but is actively signing their death warrants in some mass "experiment" no one consented to. . .'
lniguu wrote: 'Brighton is a busy place that attracts visitors - get used to it!'
And GOrwell wrote: 'A contemptuous piece from an ableist who shows no concern at all for those who are physically unable to cycle, and rely on their cars for social interaction, exercise and shopping.'
Meanwhile, a more sensible Brighton Argus article, reported part of last week's Brighton & Hove Council Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee in which Assistant Director for City Transport Mark Prior admitted that motoring events 'will not be the focus' of Madeira Drive if the road remains closed.
He was confirming that well-attended, economically important and much-loved Madeira Drive events The Speed Trials, VW Brighton Breeze, Ace Cafe Burn Up, Pioneer Motorcycle Run, Veteran Car Run and Brightona might never happen again.
Mr Prior said: 'If it remains closed, then events will not be the focus and not the main consideration.'
The article, tucked away on page 18 of the Saturday, 27 June edition and apparently not online, also spelt out FOUR 'future proposals [for Madeira Drive] under investigation' by Council officials:
* Keep the stretch from Palace Pier to Duke's Mound closed but allow traffic to come down the slope at Duke's Mound to access Black Rock
* One-way access from the Aquarium Roundabout to Duke's Mound, with more walking and cycling space and parking on the southern side
* Close the road at the Aquarium end but still allow two-way traffic
* Return the road to its original state with two-way traffic in both directions
That's it for today's Campaign Update, my friends. I hope to see you all at next Saturday's demo and please find time to do the Survey. It is vital!
* Tuesday, 30 June Update: Today, as I write, our Reopen Madeira Drive Petition stands an incredible 4,675 signatures - more than 2,000 more than the rival petition despite their national Momentum/Extinction Rebellion promotion!
And Brighton's Latest TV last night screened its interview with me about the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign - it was good, although I looked sweatier under the studio lights than I would have liked!
And Laura King has written a great new blog post on the Battle for Madeira Drive.
Here are half a dozen pictures I have taken on my dog and bone during the past couple of weeks, illustrating just how busy Madeira Drive is with people exercising!
Please don't forget to do the Council's Madeira Drive Survey - and I hope to see you all for the Protest on Saturday:
Wednesday, 1 July Update:
* Our Petition now stands at 4,846 signatures. Incredible!
* We have been trying to get star cyclist and Mod Sir Bradley Wiggins to sign up - after he was spotted on Madeira Drive. Come on, Sir Wiggo! Show us your Mod credentials!
* This morning I spoke to a Madeira Drive trader, whose business was said to be flourishing under the conditions, by the Keep Madeira Drive Closed lobby. He told me it is simply not true. 'An overcast day is like a rainy day now,' he said. The trader wants Madeira Drive reopened but said the councillors who met the traders didn't seem to be listening to their concerns. He added that traders' business rates DOUBLED this year - and that the traders are still on rent strike over the closure of Madeira Drive.
* Labour/Momentum councillors wrote to the Brighton Argus giving a very one-sided view of the issue and urging people to complete their consultation. Yes, do the Survey, but remember the traders, remember the Mods, remember the bikers, remember the disabled, remember the tourists! Madeira Drive is for ALL!
See you at the Protest on Saturday (4 July), 2pm, my friends!
Thursday, 2 July Update: Hurray! Our Petition is on fire! It went through 5,000 signatures this afternoon and is going up at a phenomenal rate! As I write, 8.30pm, it stands at: 5,240!
It was a great day for the Campaign in other ways:
* The Brighton Argus published the letter I wrote yesterday in response to the Momentum Councillors' one-sided letter promoting the Council's Survey on Madeira Drive (when, as its promoters, the Councillors should have been impartial, of course).
Here it is:
One side of story
COUNCILLORS Anne Pissaridou and Gary Wilkinson's letter only gives one side of the argument on transport changes at Madeira Drive, Brighton.
It fails to mention the impact that preventing Mods and motorcyclists from using the Drive has had on these citizens' enjoyment of this wonderful part of the city or the enormous damage it is doing to the livelihoods of the cafe owners there who rely on mod and biker trade.
People should indeed fill out the Council's survey on Madeira Drive - https://consultations. 71da2cee/ - but please do so with all stakeholders in mind, so that a solution can be found for the traders' businesses to survive and thrive and for everyone to be allowed to access the Drive again.
Ollie Wilson
Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign
There was another excellent letter in the Argus, It is time to invest heavily in the Madeira Drive area, in which Rob Heale, of Chatham Place, Brighton, argued beautifully that 'bringing the Madeira Arches back into use would improve the environment, provide quality space for walkers/cyclists and hopefully bring more visitors into the city'.
Mr Heale continued: 'This council needs to consider whether the decision to close Madeira Drive to traffic is beneficial, given that there will be a loss of parking income amounting to more than £100,000 per month and there could be issues for many of the annual events that are held here.
'A total of £1.25million per year in parking revenue would be lost to the council with this decision, funds that could be used to improve the walkways at Madeira Drive and provide a safe cycling route.
'Madeira Drive could become one of the most attractive parts of the national coastal path network that is being developed by Natural England.'
He added: 'And since the Arch Walkway, Madeira Terrace and numerous London-to-Brighton events all bring in revenue from visitors, why can’t Coast to Capital, the Local Enterprise Agency, chip in with funds as well?
'By hindering the annual events here at Madeira Drive, including the cycle run, the marathon, the vintage car rally, motorcycle events and the mod convention, the council is depriving this city of resources from tourists and restricting the choices available to local residents.
'Let’s aim to bring the Madeira Arches and Terrace back into use and help boost revenue from visitors, something this city needs more than ever following the recent health crisis.'
Well said, Rob Heale!
The reaction to the letter was substantial and positive.
On reader wrote: 'Yes, the council are just killing trade down there and creating chaos parking everywhere else.'
Another added: 'The campaign for the closure of Madeira Drive is being led by. . . some Little Lenin [who] declares the efforts to regenerate the Drive and keep it open are a "reactionary backlash"! It seems no childish Trot exaggeration is too great for [the] Comrade.'
A third reader wrote: 'We are Brighton and Hove City Council. We don't listen to taxpayers. We don't care about local businesses. Bye bye!'
That's it for today's update, my friends. I hope to see you all at Saturday's Protest!
Friday, 3 July Update: It has been a long week of campaigning - and it is not over yet!
Since yesterday, the Petition has been crazy - and has gone through 6,000 signatures!
It is now more than TWICE the size of the opposing Petition, despite them having sent out a national email to Momentum supporters claiming, mendaciously, that closure of Madeira Drive was Labour Party Policy.
One baffled citizen, who naively thought that Madeira Drive belongs only to Kemptown, rather than being a Brighton & Hove asset and regional and national destination for Mods and bikers, wrote to the Brighton Argus: 'What is going on?'
Meanwhile, Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle turned out at the i360 attraction (basically, a lift) in Brighton today to do interviews in support of sacked British Airways workers. Fair enough, but why is the Momentum-supported MP still promoting the closure of Madeira Drive which will see other workers LOSE their jobs. Get a grip, Lloyd!
* A Mod friend sent me a link to my interview about Madeira Drive, on Latest TV:
* People at Brighton Marina and in Kemptown and Hove have all been complaining about the additional traffic, pollution and vehicles trying park caused by the closure of Madeira Drive.
One Brighton Argus reader, frustrated at the congestion caused by the closure of Madeira Drive and other traffic changes, wrote: 'What is happening to Brighton brings tears to my eyes.'
A sympathetic commentator responded: 'That's because visitors are now fighting zone C and H permit residents for the shared use bays - thanks to the closure of the 300-odd spaces on Madeira Drive. It's getting really bad now. I can't go out anywhere in my car, even for food shopping.'
* JUST IN: I hear travellers have just moved their vehicles into the deserted Madeira Drive! Another outcome of Brighton & Hove City Council turning Madeira Drive into a ghost town!
SEE you all, my friends, at tomorrow's Protest at Madeira Drive, 2pm, Pier Entrance.
Sunday, 5 July Update: What a marvellous, emotional, wondrous day for the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign yesterday was!
With the weather forecast indicating it would be wet and very windy, I was naturally concerned about how practical the demonstration would prove to be.
But I had, in a one-sentence communique, informed the local media about it - and had little choice but to go ahead.
In the morning, I was astonished to find that my one line of copy, with a poster attached, had been developed by the Brighton Argus into its front-page splash under a banner headline: ANGRY MODS: Call made for rockers to join them in Madeira Drive protest
Inside was a marvellous piece of journalism by reporter Laurie Churchman, with I understand some support from his newsdesk to make it a splash!
As a former national red-top journalist, I admired the way the story had been built up!
When I arrived at Madeira Drive shortly before 2pm yesterday, the South Coast Mods were all there - and looking good.
Moreover, the local media were there, photographing, filming and interviewing. There was a carnival atmosphere - despite the wind and the rain.
Laurie Churchman, a very pleasant young man, interviewed me to update the story online and Madeira Drive's veteran fortune teller JJ Braiden did a great job corralling the Mods, bikers and a supporter cyclist, and the Press, for a photocall on the steps beside the Volks cafe.
I spoke unscripted and from the heart for about five minutes about the battle we face, the injustice of what is happening and our determination to carry on till we win the reopening of Madeira Drive, ending a new twist on John 4:23: 'Cometh the hour, cometh the Mod! Cometh the hour, cometh the Motorcyclist!'
JJ, who has been working at Madeira Drive for 33 years, spoke very well, saying that Brighton Pier, Brighton Marina, The Sealife Centre and local Bed and Breakfast businesses were all supporting the Campaign to Reopen Madeira Drive.
Photographer Andrew Gardner took some fantastic pictures of the Protest.
As has Gavin Brewis.
I was proud of the South Coast Mods yesterday - and my heartfelt thanks goes to them, the bikers, traders and everyone who turned up to support us - plus the police officers and Council stewards who were great!
Yesterday, also, there was a major development.
Councillor Lee Wares and his colleagues released their compromise proposal for reopening Madeira Drive during the remainder of the current coronavirus situation.
It is a very sensible proposal which would reopen Madeira Drive one way from the Aquarium Roundabout to Duke's Mound, so that Mods, bikers and other motorists can use the cafe and restaurants (keeping them in business), while allowing cyclists and pedestrians space on the other side of the road and from Duke's Mound to the Marina.
I support this as a progmatic solution for reopening Madeira Drive and I believe the traders, Brighton Pier, Brighton Marina, The Sealife Centre will also back it.
I hope, with the local economy and objecting constituents in mind, sufficient Green and Labour councillors will also get behind the compromise.
Let common sense prevail! We shall see!
P.S. My partner Laura King has started a Reopen Madeira Drive to All group on Facebook. Please join:
Tuesday, 7 July Update: It is my late mother Heide Wilson's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mum! I have no doubt she would appreciate the work we are doing in this campaign in defence of freedom and inclusivity.
It was a gorgeous morning today, so I cycled down to Madeira Drive to check out the exercisers:
Yes, it was the urban wasteland that Brighton and Hove City Council has made it!
I am trying to write this Campaign update every second day - but there is no much to report.
Yesterday, my partner Laura King had a fantastic letter, Don't Be So Selfish (or in the online version When you live in a seaside resort it belongs to everyone', in the Brighton Argus, in which she said Brighton & Hove City Council had forgotten that the city is a seaside resort that should welcome visitors, and called on the Council not to waste central Government but spend it on improving the seafront toilets!
No fewer than four other letters on the same page attacked the Council's Momentum and Green members for not listening to the public, neglecting Madeira Drive and behaving like 'lunatics taking over the asylum'. Great stuff!
The Argus also ran a full-page feature on Saturday's Mod Protest at Madeira Drive, hilariously suggesting that in the wind and rain, we might have stripped naked!
Never joke to a journalist!
All the same, it was a good report - and I loved the picture they ran large of me on my Vespa PX125 and the succinct quote that the closure was 'killing businesses who rely on motorcyclists and mods' trade'.
Moreover, the Reopen Madeira Drive Facebook group that Laura started less than two days already has 540 members.
And, as I write, our Reopen Madeira Drive petition has an incredible 7,410 signatures!
Yet, the bad news from Brighton and Hove keeps coming.
Today, in the Argus, new road closure plans were revealed which will prevent Mods from riding their Vespas and Lambrettas to Brighton's iconic Quadrophenia Alley.
Once again, there has been absolutely no consultation, no democracy.
It feels like the Momenteens (Momentum+Greens) have declared war on the Mods - and on the Rockers as well!
Their behaviour brings shame on the Council.
But they won't get away with these totalitarian tactics. This is not Stalinist Russia!
Wherever I go, ordinary members of the public stop to say they support the Campaign - and often add that the Council is crazy.
One new supporter, Derek Healey wrote to me:
Hi Ollie,
Just a few lines to say I wish you luck with the petition to get Madeira Drive reopened,and overturn the council's underhand and frankly downright devious activities to keep it shut.
I come from Brighton and remember the great place it was in the 60's, left school 1965, got first scooter (Lambretta Li 150 series 2), followed by various other models up till 1969, including a couple of Vespa's, but I always loved Lambretta's (still do and wish i'd kept at least one, but hey,hindsight and all that eh)?
Madeira Drive is iconic to Brighton, with the Mod/Rocker connection and all the other historic events, such as the Speed Trials (of which i've attended many, the highlight being the dragsters around 1972/3)w hich of course the council tried to get rid of I believe, but failed thankfully.
I live in Lancing now, and don't get into Brighton too often, but when I do I'm frankly appalled at what your absolute disgrace of a council has inflicted upon the place, and seem hell bent on continuing to do so with one crazy scheme after another, with it seems total disregard for the views and wishes of the majority of the residents.
Anyway, rant over, keep up the good work with the petition (I signed earlier today, by the way)
Good Luck,
All the best,
Thank you, Derek. Your words mean a lot to me. Cometh the hour, cometh the Mod!
* Thursday, 9 July 2020: I have been working for 36 years today! I remember my first day as a junior reporter at the Hull Daily Mail, 9 July 1984, like it was yesterday. And 36 years on, I still using those journalistic skills for a good cause.
The Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign has gone absolutely bananas|! As I write, our Petition has 8,232 names - that's around 5,500 more than the Keep it Closed Petition, whose sponsors were so cocky when they launched it! They've been left in the dust!
On the Council's e-Petitions page, they are now in fourth place!
And the Reopen Madeira Drive Facebook group - started by my wonderful partner Laura King - now has more than 900 members which it has acquired it just three days!
In the Brighton Argus, Sage of Sussex Adam Trimingham - a fine veteran journalist - wrote some wise words, which, sadly, don't seem to have made it into the online edition.
Adam observed that the closure of Madeira Drive 'will cause immense grief to the organisers of many events held there and to local traders'.
He added: 'It would have been far better to have kept the recreation area but narrowed it, leaving room for limited traffic and bikes.
'The council has now gone much further by proposing a cycle lane in the road between Palace Pier and King Alfred leisure centre. This is simply stupid. . . The council has a mad glint in its civic eye. It calls these schemes temporary but everyone knows they will be permanent.'
Well said, Adam! The man who covered Nicholas van Hoogstraten back in the day isn't afraid to tell the Council what's what!
One Madeira Drive events organiser, the Vintage Motor Cycle Club, has started a crowd-funder. It is to help finance legal action against Brighton & Hove City Council over the Madeira Drive closure.
The Brighton Argus' letters page has been on fire with letters supporting our Campaign.
Paul Johnston, of Hove, wrote that our Mods' protest last Saturday was entirely justified.
He said: 'As it appears that Brighton Council are following their own political agenda, regardless of the wishes of the majority of Brighton residents, I wholeheartedly support the “mods protest” regarding the proposed Madeira Drive closure.
'Our council leader clearly has no knowledge or interest in Brighton’s heritage.
'The closure of Madeira Drive is another nail in the coffin to the many events that have taken place since I was born here.
'The various car rallies, speed trials and music events are part of what Brighton is about, but our politically correct-obsessed council is intent on rail-roading the closure of Madeira Drive, on the pretence of protecting the “environment” and for the benefit of cyclists and walkers.
'At present there is a perfectly adequate sized pavement and cycle lane, but like the Old Shoreham Road fiasco, the addition of more bike lanes will only increase traffic levels, cause disruption and cancel the events traditionally held there, all for the benefit of (as in the case of Old Shoreham), the one cyclist per hour who uses it.'
There have been many other supportive letters. Here are links to two.
Former Woodingdean Ward city councilor Honorary Alderman Geoff Wells wrote that 'the Green and Labour coalition administration trying to run Brighton and Hove City Council really won’t ever give a toss when any traders or their businesses anywhere in the city go to the wall, let alone those struggling along the Madeira Drive'.
And Eric Waters, of Lancing, pointed out the undemocratic nature of the way Brighton and Hove City Council is behaving, 'putting the cart before the horse' by implementing closures without first consulting with citizens.
Too right!
More direct action is called for.
We are planning to stage the next protest at Madeira Drive at 1pm on Sunday, 19 July 2020. The weather forecast is excellent! I'd love to see as many bikers and Mods there as possible!
Thanks you, my friends, we have everything to play for!
* Friday, 10 July Campaign Update: A quick one today!
I got a nice letter in the Brighton Argus, basically asking if Brighton & Hove City Council really intended to declare war on the Mods:
There was a good letter in today's Argus, from David Patrick, of Olive Road, Hove, talking about the 'underhandedness' of Brighton & Hove City Council in the way it has gone about making road changes.
Our Petition, as I write, now has 8,666 signatures - that's 5,837 ahead of the petition to keep Madeira Drive closed!
And the Reopen Madeira Drive Facebook Group now has more than 1,000 members.
Please also sign the Petition to Remove the Old Shoreham Road Cycle Lane Extension as it is causing congestion and pollution - and, also, the opposing petition impacts on the Madeira Drive situation.
And spread the word about the Madeira Drive Protest on Sunday, 19 July, 1pm. We want this to be a national event with as many noisy protesters as possible.
Keep the faith, brothers and sisters!
P.S. I hear the Council has decided to use any future revenue from parking on Madeira Drive to pay for the restoration of Madeira Arches. Well done, guys! All the more reason to let the motorists back in!
* Saturday, 11 July Update: Our Petition has reached more than 9,000 signatures!
Please keep spreading the word about the Big Protest next Sunday (19 July)!
* Monday, 13 July Campaign Update:
It was another gorgeous morning at Madeira Drive - and another almost totally deserted waste of space. . . thanks to Brighton & Hove City Council:
But this was at 9am. What about Monday lunchtime? Friend Neal Banister sent this video:
Thanks, Carl. A fine piece of journalism!
And I taken aback by a piece in the Brighton Argus which said that 'increased spending and lost income' during the coronavirus pandemic has left a £49million hole in Brighton & Hove City Council's finances, with an urgent need to make up £23million for this year's budget!
So, why on Earth is Brighton & Hove City Council prepared to lose further millions of pounds over the next two years on keeping Madeira Drive closed? It beggars belief and makes one seriously question the sanity of the people making these bonkers decisions!
Today, our Petition stands at more than 9,400.
That's 9,400 ordinary people prepared to stand up to this Momentum/Green lunacy and say: 'No, we pay our Council Tax. We pay our Road Tax. Enough is enough - Reopen Madeira Drive!'
See you on Sunday, my friend, 1pm! Don't be late!
* Thursday, 16 July Update: Today's big news for me is that, after four years of trying and three attempts, I have finally passed my Direct Access motorcycle test! I cannot tell you how elated and relieved I am!
It was a tough one to pass for me as a Mod. I couldn't take it on my Vespa PX125 because it is simply not fast or powerful enough (maximum speed: 55mph). Instead, I took it on a 700cc Japanese motorbike (a Yamaha MT07) , hanging on for dear life doing 60mph on winding roads in Burgess Hill or 70mph on the M23. I am hugely relieved to have passed (third time lucky) but also not to have perished in the process.
My particular thanks go to my brilliant instructors Graham and Tony, of the excellent Saferide motorcycle and scooter tuition school (pictured with me after my pass today) and to the school's Sue and Alex, and also to the wise and understanding examiner Nathan!
My thanks also go to my friend, neighbour and Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign supporter Chris (pictured below), who rides a big Indian motorbike and also a massive BMW bike and who kindly took me out to practise the test routes last weekend.
On the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign, the big news is that Brighton & Hove City Council has caved in on its plan to ban all future motoring events at Madeira Drive.
But this makes it all the more vital that we protest on Sunday to secure a reopening of Madeira Drive to all scooter and motorbike riders. It will help Laura and me when we speak to Full Council a week today (Thursday, 23 July) to argue for the immediate reopening of Madeira Drive and present our Petition which has almost 10,000 signatures - an army of supporters!
See you at Brighton Pier/Madeira Drive entrance on Sunday, my friends - remember: Mods and Rockers United can Never be Defeated!
* Friday, 17 July Campaign Update: A glorious weekend dawns and what a big one it is for the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign!
As I write, our Petition is edging towards the 10,000 signatures barrier!
Chuffing Incredible!
Excitement is building among Mods and Rockers for our Big Protest on Sunday morning and lunchtime - and probably afternoon as well!
Moreover, the Brighton Argus's front-page splash and page two lead today were all about our Campaign - and our stage-one victory in getting Brighton & Hove City Council to do a U-turn to allow events to carry on at Madeira Drive.
Just through this semi-victory, my friends, we have saved the city from losing hundreds of millions of pounds in income, protected hundreds of jobs and prevented our great motoring history from being binned.
Now let's finish the job - and get Madeira Drive reopened for good - for all to enjoy!
I will be there at the Big Protest from around 11am this Sunday.
I trust I will see you all there! The weather is perfect! Our cause is just! Now is our time, my friends!
No excuses!
* Sunday, 19 July Update: What an amazing day! The Reopen Madeira Drive today was brilliant. . . and the media coverage sublime.
I loved the ITV Meridian package:
The Brighton Argus excelled itself:
Brighton & Hove's Latest TV also did an excellent report:
The brilliant police officer on duty, Jamie, even allowed us Mods down to the Volks on our scooters - and, afterwards, we rode to, and hung out at, Quadrophenia Alleyway - another special place for Mods, to which Brighton & Hove City Council is striving to prevent Mod access to.
Throughout the peaceful protest, the Mods and Rockers got on like a house on fire.
And even dedicated cyclists, such as the couple pictured below, turned up to support the Reopen Madeira Drive Campaign.
Quadrophenia star Gary Shail - who played Spider - texted his support and his apologies for not being able to be there in person.
And Quadrophenia author Simon Wells - who wrote Quadrophenia A Way of Life - attended.
It was just what we needed in the run-up to Thursday (23 July) - when we will be asking Brighton & Hove's Full Council meeting to reopen Madeira Drive.
Here are some more pictures from the day:
* Monday, 20 July Update: Incredible media coverage today! Our Campaign has gone national and international.
Here is our piece in the Daily Telegraph. Fantasic! In the printed paper, we were on Page 2, with a massive image of a Mod scooter.
We also went global. Here's an article about yesterday Mods and Rockers Protest from a French publication and a sample from it below:
The story was running on the Press Association newswire, and was picked up by publications the length and breadth of Britain.
Here are the versions of the story in the Aberdeen Evening Express, the Bradford Telegraph, the London Globe, the Wolverhampton Express and Star, the Southern Daily Echo, the Glasgow Evening Times, Salford City News, the Shropshire Star, the Bolton News, the Carrick Herald, the Belfast Telegraph, and the Dorset Echo.
The Brighton Argus did a great picture spread. Thanks, guys!
Thanks to Carl for this video of my speech yesterday.
And here is a lovely video of the Mods and Rockers retaking Madeira Drive. . . with the blessing of the police and Council stewards, of course!
Finally, here is our fortune teller friend J J who can see the future - and has read in her Tarot cards that we will win at Full Council this Thursday (23 July 2020).
Good night, my friends!
Good night, my friends!
* Tuesday, 21 July Campaign Update: The quiet before the storm! There is a real sense that this Campaign is coming to a head! Good coverage again in the Brighton Argus with a double-page spread headlined: 'Open or closed, it's showdown'.It is indeed. I just hope that at the Full Council meeting on Thursday afternoon/evening, councillors will see sense - and serve the people of Brighton and Hove rather than their personal ideologies. As I write, our Petition has 10,236 names - that's 7,026 MORE than the rival Petition on 3,210.

There was also a great letter in the printed version of the Brighton Argus (always worth 75p!):
Well done, people!
It is well done to the Mods and Rockers for joining together to demonstrate and call for the reopening of Madeira Drive.
The Labour council don't know what they are doing. One minute they say yes to opening the north side to traffic from Palace Pier to Duke's Mound, then they say we open only to major events but nothing about opening north side.
Do the cyclists and keep-fit enthusiasts want all of Madeira Drive now as lockdown is gradually easing?
What about the poor people whose lives and businesses are in shreds because of the closure of Madeira Drive? People aren't going to walk down 84 steps to the shops and food places in Madeira Drive.
The council is not doing a favour by opening Madeira Drive west to east as it was in their plans to do this in the Phase Three plans for the Aquarium roundabout.
Paul Stacey
As I said in my speech on Sunday, we have justice on our side, we have the people on our side. Keep the faith, my friends!
* Wednesday, 22 July Update: Another lovely warm, sunny morning at Madeira Drive! Just look at how busy it is with cyclists and pedestrians:
Today was also the last for the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition, which has achieved more than 10,400 supporters - over 7,000 MORE than the rival petition. Brilliant!
Take a bow, guys!

* Friday, 24 July Update: It was a bit disappointing that yesterday's Petition Presentation and Speech of Full Council of Brighton & Hove was postponed - because the Momentum Labour Council has collapsed.
But when you consider the way that these extreme lefties have acted over Madeira Drive, it is perhaps not surprising that that administration could not survive.
Putting personal ideology ahead of the wishes and jobs of working people was always hopelessly blinkered.
I had taken the day off work to do the Presentation with my partner Laura but spent it working on my allotment instead, so the time was well spent.
Now we have to wait for a special Council meeting - on either 6 or 13 August, according to a Brighton Argus report.
Depending on the date, we may stage another big protest before that happens.
I feel there is a good chance that a new Council leadership, eager to sort out the horrendous mess left by Momentum and get the Brighton & Hove economy working again, will agree that the Compromise Motion we back is a pragmatic and equitable solution to the Madeira Drive Problem.
This city is in such a state that pursuing an endless fight with Mods and Rockers and Madeira Drive traders should be the last things on their minds.
Our Petition closed with 14,417 supporters - which was 7,075 ahead of the opposing petition, on just 3,342 signatures.
And, as my hairdresser Franco pointed out today when I finally dropped by for a trim to my long locks, almost no cyclists or pedestrians are using Madeira Drive.
And those who do generally prefer the cycle lane and pavement. 'Keeping it closed would be stupid and ridiculous,' he said.
The Crimper speaketh the truth!
Keep the faith, friends. Madeira Drive will be free!
* Tuesday, 28 July Campaign Update:
Brighton & Hove City Council has asked me and Laura to present the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition and speak to a special Full Council meeting on Thursday, 13 August.
We are planning another big Mods and Rockers Protest on the Sunday before that meeting - 9 August - at Madeira Drive, of course.
I was struck by an article in The Brightonian magazine's July edition in which Brighton & Hove City Council wrote that 'we were the first local authority in the country to close a road to motor vehicles to free up space for cyclists and pedestrians'.
In other words, no other council in the UK deemed it necessary!
Brighton & Hove City Council - or, at least, the extremist Momentum former iteration of it - has hoisted itself with its own petard!
Tonight, I picked up a good postcard showing how things were at our lovely Madeira Drive before all this madness started.
Finally, the great Neville Staple, of top band The Specials, has backed our Campaign, on Twitter.
Thanks, Neville!
Keep the faith, guys! Sanity will resume at some point soon - and Madeira Drive will no longer be a Ghost Town!
* Thursday, 30 August Update:
Well, it is a strange time. Brighton & Hove City Council has restarted our Reopen Madeira Drive Petition - as well as its rival.
So, it is vital we continue to put on supporters . Today we stood at 10,436 signatures.
I would like to be at more than 11,000 signatures by 13 August.
Meanwhile, the weather forecast for our next Protest - at 1pm, Sunday, 9 August at Madeira Drive - is looking very good.
Today in Brighton, it was about 27C and the town was very busy.
So, I went down to Madeira Drive to see what it was like there. It was remarkable. It was really, really quiet - the only part of the seafront to be eschewed by crowds of sun seekers.
Below are two images of Madeira Drive - the first taken at around 9am and the second at around 2pm:
Among the traders, the talk was of taking legal action - on top of the rent strike - if the Council does not plump for the Compromise Motion on 13 August.
When the Council is already talking of seeking Government permission to put up Council Tax by more than the usual amount, when it is wilfully turning down millions of pounds of Madeira Drive revenue - who could blame them?
But, surely, before that sanity must prevail!
* Saturday, 1 August: Just a short one tonight because I am cream-crackered and need to go bed!
I have somehow managed to produce a meme to promote our big protest on Sunday, 9 August. It is below. Please spread the word far and wide. The meme works on Twitter!
The Brighton Argus wrote a nice piece about the Protest, which will come a few days before the crucial meeting on Thursday, 13 August when we present our Petition - currently with more than 10,500 signatures - to Brighton Council and set out our case.
Meanwhile, the ear-blind people on the Council have published their intention to close Madeira Drive on an experimental basis for 18 months.
We will see about that, my friends!
* Tuesday, 4 August Update:
Meet Tim! Tim is a registered-disabled man and mobility scooter user who came up to me on Madeira Drive today to say he fully supports our Campaign to Reopen Madeira Drive.
He said that the closure by Brighton & Hove City Council had made his life more difficult - and he really misses seeing the motorbikes and scooters.
Tim has promised to come to our Mass Protest on Sunday (9 August) to reopen the Drive.
Thanks, mate!
Another mobility scooter user contacted me to join the Campaign.
Viv Meeson wrote: 'I am a mobility scooter driver and also a car driver with a blue badge. When they initially closed Madeira Drive, l was led to believe it was to help keep people off the beach during lockdown.
'Every year we lose a little more of Brighton's architectural beauty. With the closure of the Drive not only are we losing disabled and coach parking, but the lack of trade for the business owners will force [their[ closure.
'The terraces will go and we will end up looking like a Spanish Costa del Mar. A seafront full of hotels and little else. We have a beautiful city. Get the Drive open! And let's keep welcoming everyone and hosting the events Brighton and Hove have become so famous for.'
Thank, Viv, for your wise words!
Meanwhile, Brighton & Hove City Council workers have started building a barrier across the Drive beside the Concorde 2 venue ahead of an Experimental Order coming into effect on 7 August!
This is despite the fact that a Special Full Council Meeting on 13 August will be debating and voting on this issue six days LATER - on 13 August!
Either the Council has no regard for democratic process or the Council officials and its Leadership have suffered a total communication breakdown.
It is like the Marx Brothers are running our city!
I have responded to the Council's consultation on its premature Experimental Order:
Sunday's big Mods and Rockers seems to be gathering pace - with lots of offers of support. And the weather forecast is excellent. Should be an amazing day!
* Tuesday, 28 July Campaign Update:
Brighton & Hove City Council has asked me and Laura to present the Reopen Madeira Drive Petition and speak to a special Full Council meeting on Thursday, 13 August.
We are planning another big Mods and Rockers Protest on the Sunday before that meeting - 9 August - at Madeira Drive, of course.
I was struck by an article in The Brightonian magazine's July edition in which Brighton & Hove City Council wrote that 'we were the first local authority in the country to close a road to motor vehicles to free up space for cyclists and pedestrians'.
In other words, no other council in the UK deemed it necessary!
Brighton & Hove City Council - or, at least, the extremist Momentum former iteration of it - has hoisted itself with its own petard!
Tonight, I picked up a good postcard showing how things were at our lovely Madeira Drive before all this madness started.
Finally, the great Neville Staple, of top band The Specials, has backed our Campaign, on Twitter.
Thanks, Neville!
Keep the faith, guys! Sanity will resume at some point soon - and Madeira Drive will no longer be a Ghost Town!
* Thursday, 30 August Update:
Well, it is a strange time. Brighton & Hove City Council has restarted our Reopen Madeira Drive Petition - as well as its rival.
So, it is vital we continue to put on supporters . Today we stood at 10,436 signatures.
I would like to be at more than 11,000 signatures by 13 August.
Meanwhile, the weather forecast for our next Protest - at 1pm, Sunday, 9 August at Madeira Drive - is looking very good.
Today in Brighton, it was about 27C and the town was very busy.
So, I went down to Madeira Drive to see what it was like there. It was remarkable. It was really, really quiet - the only part of the seafront to be eschewed by crowds of sun seekers.
Below are two images of Madeira Drive - the first taken at around 9am and the second at around 2pm:
Among the traders, the talk was of taking legal action - on top of the rent strike - if the Council does not plump for the Compromise Motion on 13 August.
When the Council is already talking of seeking Government permission to put up Council Tax by more than the usual amount, when it is wilfully turning down millions of pounds of Madeira Drive revenue - who could blame them?
But, surely, before that sanity must prevail!
* Saturday, 1 August: Just a short one tonight because I am cream-crackered and need to go bed!
I have somehow managed to produce a meme to promote our big protest on Sunday, 9 August. It is below. Please spread the word far and wide. The meme works on Twitter!
The Brighton Argus wrote a nice piece about the Protest, which will come a few days before the crucial meeting on Thursday, 13 August when we present our Petition - currently with more than 10,500 signatures - to Brighton Council and set out our case.
Meanwhile, the ear-blind people on the Council have published their intention to close Madeira Drive on an experimental basis for 18 months.
We will see about that, my friends!
* Tuesday, 4 August Update:
Meet Tim! Tim is a registered-disabled man and mobility scooter user who came up to me on Madeira Drive today to say he fully supports our Campaign to Reopen Madeira Drive.
He said that the closure by Brighton & Hove City Council had made his life more difficult - and he really misses seeing the motorbikes and scooters.
Tim has promised to come to our Mass Protest on Sunday (9 August) to reopen the Drive.
Thanks, mate!
Another mobility scooter user contacted me to join the Campaign.
Viv Meeson wrote: 'I am a mobility scooter driver and also a car driver with a blue badge. When they initially closed Madeira Drive, l was led to believe it was to help keep people off the beach during lockdown.
'Every year we lose a little more of Brighton's architectural beauty. With the closure of the Drive not only are we losing disabled and coach parking, but the lack of trade for the business owners will force [their[ closure.
'The terraces will go and we will end up looking like a Spanish Costa del Mar. A seafront full of hotels and little else. We have a beautiful city. Get the Drive open! And let's keep welcoming everyone and hosting the events Brighton and Hove have become so famous for.'
Thank, Viv, for your wise words!
Meanwhile, Brighton & Hove City Council workers have started building a barrier across the Drive beside the Concorde 2 venue ahead of an Experimental Order coming into effect on 7 August!
This is despite the fact that a Special Full Council Meeting on 13 August will be debating and voting on this issue six days LATER - on 13 August!
Either the Council has no regard for democratic process or the Council officials and its Leadership have suffered a total communication breakdown.
It is like the Marx Brothers are running our city!
I have responded to the Council's consultation on its premature Experimental Order:
This order is being brought in BEFORE a special meeting of Brighton & Hove City Council has had the opportunity to debate the closure of Madeira Drive on 13 August.
It should, at the very least, not be considered until that debate, which may well order the reopening of Madeira Drive, has taken place.
Moreover, there is no justification for a continued closure of Madeira Drive. It is a destination of huge significance to Mods and Rockers, who need access to it on their motorised scooters and motorbikes.
Moreover, the traders on Madeira Drive need their business and are currently on rent strike because of the closure.
The Experimental Order would also breach the terms of their leases, leading to legal action by the traders against the Council.
If Madeira Drive remains closed, many of these traders would go out of business, at a time when, ironically, the Council is pledging to help local businesses.
Tourists need the parking on Madeira Drive which brings in around £1.25million a year in revenue to the Council. The Council cannot afford to lose this revenue and the income from the traders, pay for stewards and pointless legal fees combating legal action by traders.
Furthermore, the Council recently decided that revenue from parking on Madeira Drive would go towards the cost of restoring Madeira Terraces.
This revenue stream needs to start flowing, and the Terraces, which are crumbling before our very eyes, must be restored without further delay.
Disabled people also say that the closure has made their lives more difficult.
And Madeira Drive is not even being well used by cyclists and runners, most of whom prefer the pavement and cycle path they had use of before the closure.
Much of the time, Madeira Drive looks pretty empty.
In conclusion, the Council would be showing a wanton failure to wisely manage its resources if the Experimental Order was made.
It would lose millions of pounds in revenue, cost jobs on Madeira Drive, discriminate against some interest groups such as Mods and motorcyclists in favour of others - and discard the objections of more than 10,500 people who have signed a petition to immediately reopen Madeira Drive.
This Experimental Order is undemocratic and a waste of public resource. It must not take place.
And look how busy Madeira Drive was today in the heat and the bright sunshine of high-season August, the city centre flush with tourists:
See you on Sunday, guys!
* Wednesday, 5 August Update:
It was great to hang out at lunchtime with the South Coast Mods at the shooting of a new film about Mods, outside Brighton Dome. We might even be in it!

I love this message:
Naturally, Madeira Drive was deserted again today. Our Petition is now at 10,567!
I am enthused by the quite brilliant, brutal savaging that Brighton Palace Pier chief Anne Ackoyd has given Brighton & Hove City Council over the closure of Madeira Drive.
In the Argus today, Anne totally destroyed the Green-led Council, accusing them of sabotaging Madeira Drive traders, killing their business in high-season August, discriminating against disabled people, damaging the Pier's trade, and hampering emergency services through their "tragic" closure of Madeira Drive.
You are my heroine, Anne!
If the Greens do not listen to you and reopen Madeira Drive, they are simply not fit to govern in Brighton & Hove!
* This page has become too long, after two months and 5,000 visits, to work properly and so continues here.
Labels: Brighton & Hove City Council, Councillor Anne Pissaridou, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Madeira Drive, Mods, Reopen Brighton's Madeira Drive Campaign
This is a pathetic decision that is trying to close down small businesses. Joggers and the bearded hipsters that comprise the majority of cyclists dont spend any money. The decision to close down Maderia Drive is a bad one and needs to be rescinded immediately.
Not a good decision at all when that particular drive is saute out throughout the year by thousands as a tourist attraction, it's gonna kill businesses and the scooters and bikes parked in this area are part of the attraction, think again!!!
Thank you for starting this I will share as much as possible. I think the other hidden agenda here is that it fixes the fudge of the removal of the Palace Pier roundabout in Valley Gardens Phase 3 - Madeira Drive made it really difficult. There will also be the loss of the only Blue Badge parking bays, (and a substantial number), on Brighton seafront. Seems to me B&H council is becoming an abelist administration - it's OK if you can cycle/ walk but stuff it if you are elderly or have special needs.
Thanks for these comments. The Council's petitions website crashed last night because so many people were trying to sign our petition at the same time. It is up and running again.
The point one of you made about the Palace Pier roundabout is an interesting one, and the loss of Blue Badge parking bays.
Thanks for picking up on my ablist comment - its far too easy for those who can cycle to preach when many cannot, (and I cycle to work so i am hardly anti bikes). I have a young son who will never walk or ride a cycle, I and many other parents totally depend on the blue badge bays here to give our children access to Madeira Drive, The Sealife Center and Brighton Palace Pier.
I am a mod myself with a scooter. I do the Brighton mod weekend every year riding your scooter is the biggest part of the weekend.
this is another way for the beurocrats in the hall of power to ruin other peoples enjoyment and lively hoods.the infrastructure of the city can't handle the loss of so many parking spaces. what about all the events that happen. eg. the mod weekender bring revenue to the whole hotels,pubs,clubs,shops.
I am a mobility scooter driver and also a car driver with a blue badge. When they initially closed Madeira Drive, l was led to believe it was to help keep people off the beach during lockdown. Every year we lose a little more of Brighton's architectural beauty. With the closure of the drive not only are we losing disabled and coach parking. But the lack of trade for the business owners will force closure. The terraces will go and we will end up looking like a Spanish Costa del Mar. A seafront full of hotels and little else. We have a beautiful city. Get the drive open. And let's keep welcoming everyone and hosting the events Brighton and Hove have become so famous for.
Looking forward to showing my support on Sunday. Congratulations on passing your bike test. I have a Vespa but also a MT07. Compliment each other perfectly.
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